Cheat Engine 2.13

Cheat Engine 2.13

Cheat Engine 2.13

Text file description:

TaRgEt Pr0gRaMPaTcH AuThor(Z)PaTcH ResULt(z)
PaTCh TyPeTaRGeT FiLe#
PaTcH SiZe#
WoRkiN'oN    #
...DoNe!!#PaTcH CoMPleTe,#wAz ChaNgEd.#kByTe(z) KiCkEd..ByTe(z)#V#'MaY ChaNge. EnTeR As A PaRameTer, DudE.ter.
#$Ya MuZt SaY WiCh FiLe To PaTch, MaN!ch!##$#####WaTCh iT! TaRGeT iZ##7#G#k#K######ByTeZ LonG.#####	#=#i####n##ExPeCTeD SiZE WaZ#4#	##]#|#U]PATH=U+ByTeZ. PaTchiN ThE Wr0nG FilE WiLL FuCk iT!t!33RPB!rV&PrOcEEd WiTh OpeRaTioN? (yeah/NAH!)...+~FBu~OVtFVWroNg FiLe. PaTCh TeRmiNaTed.::?%!3:]~0%UnaBle To RaPe VicTim. CheCk path/name.Z:,3
No ChaNgEs MaDe.made.~2
t<;tN:t	V^rv2
Do Ya WaNttF=!3;:t=;:u76G;:r&:r%;:w::::3(YEAH/nope):+:_6GF::GU>:t*:::CERULEZ
[ViCTiM]gram		[MaKeR]hor(s)0
[ReSuLt(Z)]s)[SpECiEs]	[FiLe WaNtEd][PaTcH SiZe]WoRKiN....
...[DoNe!]0,>PaTCH CoMpLeTe<wAz ChAnGeD.B0ByTe(Z) KiCkEd..ByTe(Z)a	'WhaTeVer Ya WiSh. SpeCiFy As PaRaMetEr!ter.00000h&Ya MuZt TeLL WiCh FiLe To PaTch, DuDe!!		00[WaRNiNg!] ViCTiM iZPC00000  	Pk ByTeZ LonG. 0 0h# ( 	P- 04 09 0> ExPeCtEd SiZe WaZO 0T 0Y ^ 	Pc 0j 0o 0t ,ByTeZ. PatCHin ThE WroNg FiLe Will TRaSh iT!! 0 0 0 	ProCeeD wiTh pAtCh? (y/N)..... 	 	P 0 	x 00 Wr0nG FiLe. PaTcH AboRtEd. 0!	!	l!	!0!0(UnAbLe tO RaPe ViCTim! CheCk PaTch/NaMe.path/name.!0K!	Q!	Y! No wErE MaDe.0`t!	z!	!	!	!	
Do Ya WanTt	5!0`!	!00!0h!!	P!0!(Yeah/nope)!00!!	Po!0!0!0!0h"CERULEZ
                     NAPALM ULTIMATE
                           CHEAT ENGiNE v2.1
                    Registered to yoU
--     ------     --
 Comments from users
--     ------     --
 "...I want to say you have a great CE! It's totally cool! Well anyway I just
 want to say keep up the good work..."
                                             Zone Master
 -Good work??? Ahem...Oh, yes, good, very, would you send me $1 for it?
  Ok, ok, just a tought... :)
"Hey dude. I like it! is really hot."
 -Sure, maybe I should dedicate it to some girl... :)
"GREAT job on Cheat Engine...I like it a lot."
                                        The Blind Beggar
 -Maybe datz because you're BLIND! :)
"I must say i waz REAL impressed with the concept you use for registration"
"This util of yours saves me lots of time, and I use it a lot..."
 -We aim to please. We usually miss, however...
 Ok, these were some comments I picked RANDOMLY. ;)
--     ------     --
 Files included in this version
--     ------     --
    CExx.EXE  Cheat Engine
      CE.DOC  Doc in english
      CE.CFG  Current strings
 CE_TXT1.CFG  Other strings, copy to CE.CFG to change look.
 CE_TXT2.CFG  Other strings, copy to CE.CFG to change look.
EXAMPLE1.EXE  Patch made with CE.
EXAMPLE2.EXE  Patch made with CE.
 Plus all the extra 500KB of bbs adds...
--     ------     --
 Contents of this almost-looks-serious DOC
--     ------     --
  0  Start Info
  1  Patches registered to you!
  2  Creditz
  3  Greetings
  4  What is this crap?
  5  How to use the data you know to make a patch
  6  Examples on how to find how to cheat
  7  History
--     ------     --
0 Starting Info
--     ------     --
 Ok, this is just like in the supermarket, the shit that no one cares about
always comes first, and the important stuff is at the end.
 This program is provided "as it is". The author will not be responsible for
  any damaged caused by this program, directly or indirectly, to software or
  hardware. This is 100% safe, however, you never  know,  someone  might
  disassemble this and make a nice trojan to trash your HD. :)
  This is YELLWARE. You might spread it, this time with your conscience
  clear. You can do anything, change it if you like, I don't care, just be
  elegant. I think that there's no real problem in ripping stuff, if you
  give the  author the some creditz..
--     ------     --
1 Please Register    Yeah, do it once for a change...
--     ------     --
  Hey, hey, don't ignore this, I won't kneel and beg for money, CE is
  totally free!
  Hey! Don't dare to press PGDN!! :)
 If you use this program to release at least 1 patch to the public, you
  must register. To register, simply send me a message saying what you think
  about the proggy, where u got it, ideas, comments, flames, whatever!
  If you don't send the message, your copy will be considered pirated
  software, the Feds will break into your house, get your hardware, and
  you'll have to pay a huge amount of money, and will get a criminal
  record, attacked by fagg prisioners,... ahem, I think you got the idea...
 If you want your patches to display "Registered to <yourgroup>" mention
  the exact string of your group's name or your name.
  If I like yer messie, I'll send you a registration key. :)
  That's the only difference, it will look more professional (yea,yea),
  the unregistered is not crippled in any way.
 Mail me for any other comments.
  Messages of users will make me improve CE, so, staying  quiet is the
  perfect way to insure I won't do this again!
 [NOW]   Send your messages to me (Asskicker):
         If you really liked this and want to be a nice guy (what?!?)
         then make a ANSi for ma board or a ASCii for NUKE. :)
--     ------     --
2 Creditz   Run time error is our middle name...
--     ------     --
        Design,Code & Docs: Asskicker/[NUKE]
             Additional Code: Mad Zombie,Rad Raver
   (incompetent) Guinea Pigs: Rad Raver,Guardian, Mad Zombie
 Thx to Phantom Lord for agreeing in giving me his font editor routines
 without my needing to use violence.
--     ------     --
3 Greetings   We can't live without them...
--     ------     --
 Since individual greetings are too long and give too much work... :)
 Greetings to all my friends and all the users of-[RKLS$ LiF]-!!!
 Greetings from NUKE to all the cool groups around, and greetings to
 you if you use this program. :)
 And the traditional "FUCK YOU!!!"'s go  to Portugal Telecom, techno music,
 trojan makers, and all the guys who like me as little as I like them. :)
--     ------     --
4 Geese!   Ok! Ok! I buy 5 of them!! But wass that crap anyway?!?!
--     ------     --
 Fast info:
  For crackers and cheaters, you supply offsets/bytes/info and this
  makes a cute, well-organized, 7-10KB executable patch.
  Simple like hell, but damn useful for cheat/crack makers.
 Why is it called Cheat Engine?
  I don't know yet, but it sounds good. :)
 Complete info:
  This is simply a patch engine. It will not find stuff for you, and it won't
  crack stuff for you, but nothing does that. It's just a tool to help you
  to make crack patches, savegame editors, or anything similar.
  Once you know what to change, where to change, and what to change to, then
  all you have to do is use CE, and spread your patch so that everbody can use
  it. CE simply gets the data you enter, and creates a nice EXEcutable patch.
  Your patch can be a cheat do give you money on savegames of game X, can
  be a crack to kick protection out of commercial program X, anything.
  If you get info on magazines, the usual "change offset X to FF", now you
  can make your own patches to use whenever you want. No need for PCTools
  or other hex eds.
 If you don't have a clue on how to cheat games, you can read the quick
  tutor in this doc. Cracking is much more complex, if you know enough
  to make decent cracks, than you also know enough to build your own
  personalized patcher, and won't need CE (I know however some crackers
  that like to use CE kohz it's cute (hehe) and really fast to use).
--     ------     --
5 Details   Blood type, shoe size, etc...
--     ------     --
 CE will  allow  you  to  change  a  maximum of 250 bytes. This seems ok
  because CE was made to create savegame editors and crack patches, which
  usually require 1-20 bytes.
  When you run it, you'll be prompted for some info. Name of the program
  you're patching, it's filename, number of topics to change, etc.
 Suppose you had 2 topics, Money and Ammo, money required the change
 of 3 bytes, and Ammo required the change of 1 byte...
 Topic 11 Byte in offset 1003d changes to 240d
 (Money)             2 Byte in offset   0Fh changes to 255d
                     3 Byte in offset 07FFh changes to  0Fh
 Topic 11 Byte in offset   10d changes to 240d
 [NOTE]  The above scheme is totally useless, but I tought it would look
         nice in the doc, so enjoy. :)
 You can have up to 5 topics, and up to 50 bytes in each topic.
 CE has a small help, that should be enough, so you should easily
 understand it. There's no need for me to explain all steps
 here unless you're really braindamaged.
 If it's registered, you'll see an extra question. (Registered to who?)
  After all the info was entered, CE will create the executable patch
   and encrypt/compress everything except the patch info, so you can
   spot it on a quick look and it's easier, much easier to access.
   The size of the patch will ways be=generic code+record with data, so
   a 250 byte patch will have the same size than a 1 byte patch.
   I don't care about this, since 8-10KB is nothing, but I might change
   the system if other features require space.
 [WARNING]  The patch will have overlays, so if you compress it again
            ya'll probably trash the whole thing!
--     ------     --
6 Examples   Yeah, two examples of cheated games.
--     ------     --
 Ok, now you know how to make get the executable patch, but how do you know
what to change and where?
 Remember that if the file you want to change doesen't always have the same
size than you probably won't succeed in creating a CE patch for it.
 Also, I can define 2 basic type of patches, cheats for games, and protection
cracks - This micro-tutor will give you a hint on how to cheat games, but
if you're not a cracker, then buy a asm book and get a debugger, kohz that's
a totally different field and produces totally different crashes. :)
 1 Doom II
 Let's pick some game... Doom II. Let's suppose you want a patch that
 edits savegames and gives you 255 chaingun rounds. This is not a useful
 thing to do, but I'll use it as the first easy example:
   Start playing... shoot your chaingun. Write down the number of shots
 you have. Ex: 158. Save and exit.
   Convert 158 to HEX with a calculator, edit the savegame with a hex
 editor and search 9E (158d). You'll find it in offset 208.
   Use ce to make a patch of 1 topic, 1 byte, to change offset 208 to 255.
  This might not work, because Doom savegames have variable size.
  Check the next example, it's clear and applies to most games:
 2 Warcraft - Humans and Orcs
 I had some HD crashes lately, so I lost all games, now I just have
 Doom 2 and Mortal Kombat II in the HD, and I'm too lazy to get shit from
 the tapes, so, I asked Guardian to write down all steps we used to cheat
 Warcraft, that's another fine example...
 He wrote some nice text, but I decided to cut it to a minimum, to
 be very clear to you lam..uh, beginners. ;)
- Check the money you have and lumber
- Save a game, Lumber / Gold are there, of course.
- In this example, we'll have 1500 lumber and 1500 gold.
- Change 1500 to hexadecimal, use a calculator, maths suck (Guardian
  is in maths, crazy sucker!)
  You'll know that 1500 decimal is 05DC hex or that you're a Pentium.
- Reverse the numbers, 05 DC becomes DC 05
- Get a hex editor, PCTools 4.24, Hiew, any shit.
  (AK:I personally prefer CEDIT bexause it inclues a handy dec<>hex
- Search DC 05 in the savegame file
- In those two offsets stick the values FF
- Re-enter the game, you should have 65535 units of each
 Now you can use CE, tell it to stick 255 (FF in decimal) in those
 2 offsets, and you just have to run the patch each time you want
 more gold & lumber in any savegame!
 3 In general...
- Try to use CEDIT always, or HIEW to search the values
  There are several editors, HIEW is great, but I prefer CEDIT to do
- One way is to write down decimal values, convert to hex, save the game,
  exit and search it to find its offset.
- The other way is to save one game, waste some money (or whatever), and
  do nothing else, save, and the compare the two games, with MSDOS's FC
  command, for instance. The only changes will be in the offset where
  the money (or whatever) value is stored
[ BUGS? ]  This is should work fine, designed to be moron-proof, but not 100%
           so, you know, you feed it garbage, you get garbage!
           I'm too lazy to test it decently. Worked ok here, but there might
           be some hidden bugs. Yell if you see anything wrong.
  Ok, this should be enough. Don't forget to register if  you use this
  proggy. Don't complain if you wanted something but didn't suggest it.
  I'll also compile a list of guys who bothered to write and their comments,
  and include it the next release, so we can all laugh a bit. :)
                                        See you around...
 =[ Asskicker, RKLS$ LF $YZAV/[NUKE] Prez/UNiON VGA ]=-
 =[Born 2 Kick Ass & Chew C4!      iNeT: ]=-
--     ------     --
7 History
--     ------     --
 Version 2.10
 Mon  27 Mar 1995  17:31:11
   1) Max number of bytes per topic are now 50. I decided to increase after    now
      seeing a proggy that required only one topic, but with 28 bytes.
      You could use v2.00 with 3 topics, but this way is more addequate.
      This allows a total of a 250 bytes patch.
   2) "DEL *.DOC" dudes can now terminate the .DOC if they want to,
      add /D if you want it back.
  Fixed bugs
   0) Small bug with registration scheme/abort/display.
      No significant bugs were reported.
      Try not to cross much over the  dots or your text may appear
      screwed up.
   1) The most requested feature: The ability to enter hex numbers.
      This didn't seem important to me, I never needed it in my patches,
      but since you guys want it...
      Now you can enter 255 or $0F, or $FF0F, etc...
      Just stick $ before any hex number, if you don't, it will be
      considered a decimal number.
      Due to my lazyness and lack of patience, this was added by
      Rad Raver, (Techno sucks, bah) so I'll be glad to kick his ass for
      any bugs you spot in this part. :)
   2) If you're not sure if you typed the correct data, run CE with
      /I PATCH.EXE
      This is the ideal to check the patch before spreading.
      Several changes increased the patch size to 9093 bytes
      (I consider 10KB the limit, so I won't change code structure until
      it reaches 10)
   1) CEDIT hex editor is not included any more. If you can't find it,
      download CE 2.00 (NKCE200.ZIP), it's included with that version.
  Version 2.00
   1) Max number of topics is now 5, and maxium bytes per topic are now
      10. So CE is now capable of patching up to 50 bytes/offsets.
   2) Both maker/patches code were optimized. Should be transparent to
      user, but now CE works much more efficiently, internally.
   3) Several details in display, to be a little more pleasant when
      entering values.
   4) My internet address was wrong. is the correct.
   5) Finally, to the 0.38% of you who read docs, I checked them a bit,
      Portuguese DOCs were removed due to the lack of interest from
      the locals.
  Fixed bugs
   1) Some filenames lost letters, making the "auto seek" impossible
      with those files.
   2) Fixed several count/display bugs, that caused no malfunctions,
      but were annoying.
      Ex: Using a 16 bit number to store file sizes was quite careless. :)
   1) Now you can add the string "Registered to <your group or name>"
      to the top of your patches, giving a somewhat pro (?) look.
      You can do this in two ways:
     1.1)  Send me a message with:
           Comments, location, where did you find CE, insults, whatever.
           If I like your messie and you've asked for it, I'll send you
           a registration key.
     1.2)  Hack it. I spent no time protecting the reg code since this
           is free. It should be piece of cake to register it yourself.
           However, be cool and send the messie or be lame and don't.
        Unregistered versions will NOT display any text stating it, that
        would add a lame look to your patches, they're also not crippled.
   2) Configurable strings.
      Now you can define your own strings, if you dislike the default
      look of the patches.
      For example:
       "Target program"    can become   "ViCTiM Pr0GGy" or whatever.
      Strings are saved in CE.CFG, so you need to type them only once.
      If you screw up, you can return to the default strings.
   3) Code to avoid ripps of patches. Now you cannot change the main
      info in the created patches. (names,notes,etc)
      Since this should be enough, I removed the encryption.
   4) Topics can now be defined as "askable" or not.
      If yes, the user will be asked if he wants it, if no, CE will
      patch immediatly.
   5) CE.EXE code was protected with a new encryptor made by a local
      coder. I don't know him, but it's always good to support national
      software. If you like the encryptor, be informed that it's called
   6) Added spell. Now you must upload CE to at least 5 BBS and 3 FTPs,
      or a terrible curse will fall upon you and your offspring.
   7) Since some people asked for CEDIT, here it is included, it's only
      80KB so it won't bother the others much.
      Not as powerful as HIEW, but easier to use.
      Remember that this program was not coded by me, so no comments
      about it.
      Due to all the extra code, patches are now bigger: 8 KB.
      I think this is still a very acceptable value. If you need really
      tiny patches in the v34 era then get TASM and make something
      for your case.
      I think no bugs live inside the code now, but if they do, yell.
      I really have no patience to check everything. It's also
      pretty moron-proof, but I'm sure you'll still find a way to
      fuck it up. :)
=[ Asskicker, RKLS$ LF $YZAV/[NUKE] Prez/UNiON VGA ]=-
=[Born 2 Kick Ass & Chew C4!      iNeT: ]=-
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File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.

File name:

File size: 73.08 KB

Mime type: application/octet-stream; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

Trainer FAQ