Dark Messiah of Might and Magic v1.02 (+14 Trainer) [iNSANiTY]
Text file description:
Name: Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic 1.02 RETAIL +14 (MEGA) Trainer Contributor: HonestGamer Type: Trainer Size: 864 KB Date: 8th March, 2011 OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 (x32) Important Notes:- First off, this Trainer is made for the 1.02 RETAIL version of the game, so it may not work with the STEAM version. Let's get started with some info about the options:- Activate Trainer: You need to activate this in order to enjoy the Trainer. The most favourable location is the Main Menu. 1) Unlimited Health: You'll always have full health, so you will not die in most cases. 2) Unlimited Mana: You'll always have full mana so you use magical powers indefinately. 3) Unlimited Stamina: You will never run out of stamina. 4) Get Full Adrenaline: This immediately fills your adrenaline bar so you can deliver killing blows easily. 5) Instant Spell Cooldown: Spells like the Fire Trap are always ready for use. 6) Unlimited Skill Points: Gain or spend a skill point just to find out that you have 999 skill points left. 7) Unlimited Arrows: You'll always have 99 arrows left. 8) Unlimited Items: All the items that you carry (Potions, food items, etc) will not decrease. 9) One Hit Kill: Kill enemies with just one hit! 10) Unlimited Leanna's Health: Leanna will not die! 11) Super Throw: With this you can throw objects much further. 12) Decrease Gravity: This decreases the gravity, which decides for how long can you remain mid-air! Increase Gravity: This increases the gravity. Restore Gravity: This sets the gravity to its default value. 13) Save Position: This saves your position in the current map. Load Position: This loads your previously saved position in the current map. Restore Position: This restores your position which was during the time you used the load position function. 14) Freeze World: This is a much improved version of my previous Freeze World option. Nothing except you can move. This includes doors and other objects, so use it on rare occasions, as in open areas crowded with enemies, etc. That's about it. If the Trainer doesn't work or if certain options are crashing your game, then I recommend you apply the No DVD Fix by HATRED which will ensure flawless functioning of this Trainer. Greets: CJB, DarkByte (For Cheat Engine) and You! :D Email ID: honest.gamer@gmail.com ASCII By HonestGamer/iNSANiTY
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 494.72 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
March 9, 2011 - 11:49am