Dune 2000 trainer

Dune 2000 trainer

Dune 2000 trainer

Text file description:

                           The Realm Of Power
				   Presents :
    Dune 2000 [+11 FiNAL TRAiNER] (c) WestWood Studios
 : Fusion :: Fusion :
  Supplier > MrNop                 Release Date > September 7, 98
  Packager > MrNop                : # of Files  > 1
  Cracker > MrNop                . Game Type   > RealTime Strategy
  Requirements > CLASS release of Dune2000.
 : Informations   :
 :                                                                          :
 .   History of Dune2000 Trainers:                                          .
      - Sept 3: CLASS released Dune2000 (Great Relase!)                     .
 .    - Sept 4: Fusion released a +3 Trainer                                :
 :              Few hours after, Warrior released a +3 Trainer named
               "Working Trainer", but Fusion Trn work fine...
     - Sept 5: Razor released a +5 (Mira, u are a trainer god too u know ;)
     - Sept 7: This final trainer +11
 :                                                                          :
     To get options of this simple trainer, just press Alt Tab during game,
      and click on buttons, or use shortcuts. Options are:                  .
 .                                                                          :
 :   F1: Instant Build for Atreides, all units will be build immediatly
        (Build, all units, and Airstrike & Fremen too)
    F2: Instant Build for Ordos (Saboteur too)
    F3: Instant Build for Arkonnen (Death Hand Missile too)
    F4: View All Map (different from the razor trainer.. this one will
        show map on the radar too).
    F5: Unlimited Spice for Atreides
    F6: Unlimited Spice for Ordos
    F7: Unlimited Spice for Arkonnen
    F8: Skip level. Your mission will be accomplished
    F9: Unlimited Power for Atreides
   F10: Unlimited Power for Ordos
   F11: Unlimited Power for Arkonnen
   F1 - F5 - F9  = Atreides
   F2 - F6 - F10 = Ordos
   F3 - F7 - F11 = Arkonnen
    (Press key [i] in the trainer for others infos)
  SHORT GREETS: Atm, Celestial, Davinci, G-RoM, Hetero, Sanctuari, The_q,
   Miramax (Great work on the +5, ehh D2k have a func to display all map ;)
   lgb & Sensi & Blost for help (late on night) on the first trainer.
  NOTE: Original GFX from Dune2000.com
 : Installation   :
   Launch Dune2000-Trainer.exe at any time and when the game will be
    detected, button will be enabled. Enjoy!
 .                             JUNIOR & SENSI                               .
              WING..................................PHIL DOUGLAS
              GOZEM........................................IPGGI            .
 .            EXORDER........................................XOR            :
 :            KAYES.....................................LUCIFUGE
 :            TERAPHY................................FEAR FLIGHT
 : Fusion Greets :
 : Fusion News
 : : 18.08.98 :
 .                                                              :
   Welcome TERAPHY, WiNG and FEAR FLiGHT into the family !!! YOSH! BIG UP ! .
 .                                                                          :
   Contact Fusion
 :                                                                          :
 :  We are Looking for talented people who want to join the FuSioN Crew     :
 :  So get in touch with us (via e-mail or mail) if :                       :
 :                                                                          :
 :   - You can crack well Computer or Console games and/or utils            :
 :      (a fast internet line will be better :)                             :
 :                                                                          :
 :   - You work for a games software developer, distributor or publisher.   :
 :                                                                          :
 :   - You can put your hand on unreleased titles or Hardware!              :
 :                                                                          :
 :     - You work for an Internet Provider !                                :
 :                                                                          :
 :  Via Mail :    PO BOX 279               E-mail: fusionpower@usa.net      :
 :             2000 ANTWERPEN 1                                             :
 :                 BELGIUM                                                  :
 :                                                                          :
 :                                                                          :
 :               For the latest on : PC - MAC - CONSOLE :                   :
 :                                                                          :
 :                           Write us at :                                  :
 :                                                                          :
    Via Mail :    PO BOX 279               E-mail: fusionpower@usa.net      .
 .             2000 ANTWERPEN 1
   : Nfo Header: Roy of SAC             Nfo Layout: Strike Light of SAC   .
Subject: Tonic Trouble ...
hi there,
So about tonic trouble: yes it's a beta, we at fusion had it exactly at the
 same time as red line racer.
we made a vote in fusion for knowing if we had to put red line racer out coz
 our friend who gave us tonic and redline wasn't 100% sure that was the final!
 (and believe me i called several times ubi to know more about the things but they
  was saying that both games was due at the same times
  or maybe with 1 or 2 days of difference....)
So i said: for our first english game, we can't take the risk of putting out a beta,
 this will b very lame
At last our version of red line racer was a real final (we compared it w/ the version
 from Class and they was exactly the same)
As u can imagine, i get a bit bored coz we missed a good release
 coz i was maybe a bit shy....
So we made a 2nd vote for deciding if we had to take the risk of putting out
 Tonic Trouble (the guy who gave us Tonic and red line has said that
 if red line was a final, tonic was one too for sure)
The result of the vote was to put out tonic coz we was nearly sure sure that
 it was a final (this explain the name : TONIC TROUBLE FINAL in the intro) ...
I wrote the intro and written Final in it, so if someone have to b eblamed,
 it's my ass and only mine
Now u all know that we made a mistake on this release (but u already all knew ...)
 this txt is only for clearing up the situation ...
So sorry about this but i hope that some of u enjoyed the beta anyway :P
 and wait for the final (from Fusion i hope ;)
You're favorite prevert frog... SeNSi...
     [pWA eURO rELEASE hQ....dIVINE cOURIER hQ....uCF cOURIER hQ......:
             [vENGEANCE siTE..........................................:
                       [bACKLASH eURO hQ......pARADOX hQ..............:
                    We are Vengeance Couriers
          ,#P^`                                     `^?,
       ,dP"`                                                  `"?b,
     $$'                                                          `$$
    I$$;                                                              ;$$I
   ;$$I                       VENGEANCE MEMBERS                        I$$;
   $$$                                                                  $$$
  ;$$$      Aenima . BlueAcid . Chromatiq . Crystal . DarkDruid         $$$;
 ``"?b,                                                              ,d"``
   $$          DarkForce . Daman . Eddie . Freakshow . Go-God         `  $$
   $$                                                                    $$
   $$              Gimi . Hawkeye . Hitop . Honker . Hype                $$
   $$                                                                    $$
   $$           Jess . Krs-One . Muna . Roc . Semaj . Slider             $$
   $$                                                                    $$
   $$                       TC . Phoenix . Koka                          $$
   $$   ,                                                            ,   $$
 ,,y`                                                              `y,.
 ;$$$                                                                    $$$;
  $$$                                                                    $$$
  ;$$I                                                                  I$$;
   I$$;                                                                ;$$I
     $$,                                                            ,$$
        `b,                                                      ,d'
          `*,..                                          ..,*'
          ,#P^`                                            `^?,
      ,dP"`                    VENGEANCE NEWS                     `"?b,
    $$'                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                        `$$
   I$$;                                                                ;$$I
  ;$$I   - We're currently in the process of reorganizing the group.    I$$;
  $$$      If you feel you could be an asset to our group please contact $$$
 ;$$$      the Vengeance team at vengeance@pheared.com!                  $$$;
 ``"?b, - Hawkeye has went off to the army he will be back in a few  ,d"``
   $$   `  months... Good luck man!                                  `   $$
   $$    - VGN was recently infected by grouphoppers! not to worry we    $$
   $$      are now clean and Xtremist and Kruzin have left our ranks     $$
   $$    - Welcome Roc to our team... Welcome bro!                       $$
   $$    - Eddie has returned after a short absence and has joined VGN   $$
   $$      Welcome back bro and good luck!                               $$
   $$                                                                    $$
   $$                                                                    $$
   $$                         JOINING VENGEANCE ?                        $$
   $$                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                       $$
   $$                                                                    $$
   $$  Vengeance is accepting applications for all types of positions.   $$
   $$  If you think you can help Vengeance in anyway please feel free    $$
   $$  to contact us.                                                    $$
   $$                                                                    $$
   $$  * If you own a shell box with a fast connection, especially in    $$
   $$    Europe, and would like to help our group by allowing our        $$
   $$    traders to trade from it, Please get in touch with us today     $$
   $$    and you'll be rewarded.                                         $$
   $$                                                                    $$
   $$  * If you work for a hardware distribution company or can supply   $$
   $$    our group with its hardware needs Please get in touch with us   $$
   $$    today and you'll be rewarded.                                   $$
   $$                                                                    $$
   $$                       CONTACTING VENGEANCE                         $$
   $$                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                        $$
   $$         Contacting us via Email is definately the best way         $$
   $$                   E-mail: vengeance@pheared.com                    $$
   $$   ,                                                            ,   $$
 .,y`                                                              `y,.
  ;$$$                    -X- VENGEANCE GREETS! -X-                     $$$;
  $$$                                                                    $$$
  ;$$I   Everyone not associated with RISC, and special greets go to..  I$$;
    $$,                                                              ,$$
      `b,                                                          ,d'
       `*,..            last updated. 7.26.98 by: VGN Staff  ..,*'
This trainer has been verified and it
'works'. If you find any difficulties
please refer to the documentation that
comes with the trainer (if there is any)
or it must be due to the version
differences of the game that was used
for creating this trainer and the version
you are using.


File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.

File name: d2k11.zip

File size: 112.19 KB

Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

Trainer FAQ