Earthworm Jim 3D trainer
Text file description:
MtD! . .. ...Most Proudly Presents... .. . Earthworm Jim 3D Trainer Supplier...........: Slick Willie Protection..........: None Trainer............: Drone Game Type...........: Platform Packager...........: Drone's Dog Game Rating.........: Ehmm..Good :-) Release Date.......: 1999-12-22 # of Disks..........: 1 x 2.88 Game Notes ~~~~~~~~~~ Well this trainer will gives you following options: - Unlimited Bullets - Unlimited Energy - Unlimited Lifes Installation & Rip Info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Same as always, unzip the trainier.exe to the main game dir and run it. General Comments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christmas time is the same as drinking time :-) Another Divine Intervention... DIVINE News & Information MORE CRACKERS AND SUPPLIERS WANTED! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIVINE are now accepting a small ammount of new members into the Family. So if you want to have fun & meet loco people check out the JOIN SECTION further down in this nfo. NOTE: WE DONT NEED ANY COURIERS. DIVINE CD UPDATE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIVINE offers THE BEST PRICING on QUALITY CD's. DIVINE is doing MONTHLY COMPILATIONS, and COLLECTIONS as well as FULL GAMES on CD(ISO), PSX CD's, DAT's and now also VIDEO CD's. For info on any of the above, write to DVNCD@DIVINEGODS.COM with your questions. For any other Divine related email use DIVINE@DIVINEGODS.COM WE ARE IN NO NEED OF ANY COURIERS DIVINE Members Arcanum, Axen, Bighurt, Bud, Buller, Blackbull, Cadaber, c0rle0ne, Daf Danett, Deature, Defjam, Dizzy, Dj-Saru, Drone, Dumbslut, Emmiman Einztein, Esjay, fUK, Gandalf, Godbody, I-, Ironhead, JJJ, Jackz, Machv Merlin, MoWAX, n0-body, Patriarch, Quik, Redir, RenegadeX, r!sc Slask, Specie, Stingray, Spectator, Solar, Tadi, Tarq, The Doc The Tree of Life Vanisher, Willtc, Znoopy, Zipe Crystal, Blink, Cid, MrBrain Divine Divine FTP Sites ROC .................... Divine WORLD Headquarters ........... APC .................... Divine EURO Headquarters ............ EE .................... Divine USA Headquarters ............. AKS .................... Divine EASTERN EUROPE Headquarters .. VGN .................... Divine ASIA Headquarters ............. TWI .................... Divine US RELEASE HQ ................ NUD .................... Divine EURO RELEASE HQ .............. TB .................... Divine COURIER Headquarters ......... EOE .................... Divine Headquarters .................. TNL .................... Divine Headquarters .................. AR .................... Divine BBS Headquarters ............. So, You're Interested in becoming a DIVINE Member. If you fall within any of the following categories, you might just be what we're looking for: ( All COSTS are reimbursed ofcourse! ) You live on the EAST COAST, have a fast connection and live near an Electronics Boutique, Babbage's, Best Buy or any other store that sells software AND you can be availblee daytime to supply. You are connected to ANY of following categories: DISTRIBUTOR, PUBLISHER, SOFTWARE COMPANY, STORE/SHOP, GAME MAGAZINE, SOFTWARE PUBLISHING HOUSE. You work in the HARDWARE INDUSTRY and can supply FREE GOOD HARDWARE of any type. You are running a SITE/BOARD or SHELLBOX, and you want a DIVINE affil. If any of the above or other questions dont hesitate to contact us. DIVINE@DIVINEGODS.COM How to Contact DIVINE Via E-Mail : DIVINE@DIVINEGODS.COM Via the WWW : WWW.DIVINEGODS.COM Via IRC : #DIVINE on EFNET NOTE: WE DO NOT MAIL OR FTP MISSING DISKS OF OUR RELEASES, SO DO NOT ASK. DIVINE Greets Personal Greets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Axen - Animal&Dawgie - Bud - Buller - Cadaber - Deature - Drone - Darkiso Eternity - G-Rom HempHood - LeChuck - Machv - Madboy - Merlijn Patriarch - Reader - RenegadeX - Shadseek - Solar - SonicWurst - Speccie StingRay - Znoopy - zIPE Group Greets ~~~~~~~~~~~~ F4CG - DVNVCD - FAIRLIGHT - LAXITY - X-FORCE - CLASS - RAZOR - RISC SLAC - PARADIME - PINNACLE - DOD - SHOCK - XPRESSION - POS "Les Dieux Se Sont Reveills" MtD! w w w . j a y d e e . c z This trainer has been verified and it 'works'. If you find any difficulties please refer to the documentation that comes with the trainer (if there is any) or it must be due to the version differences of the game that was used for creating this trainer and the version you are using. --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: erthwrnjim3d.zip
File size: 14.63 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=unknown-8bit compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am