Gangsters Fixed Money trainer
Text file description:
Roy/SAC ORIGIN PROUDLY PRESENTS Gangsters Fixed Money Trainer Supplied By : The Scene Release Date : Decemeber 21, 1998 Cracked By : Game Genre : Trainer Packaged By : Fudge Packer Protection : # of Disks : 1 x 10KB Filename : OGNGNGFT.ZIP Requirements: Gangsters RELEASE INFORMATION Notes: I apologize about the previous trainer for this game. You may consider that I was greedy. I put in more money than the game could handle, so the game crashed when you tried to buy something. I rebuilt the trainer with my new 100% win32 asm engine. I deserve a kick in the ass for the old Gangsters trainer. Here is the fixed version. Enjoy the new trainer and may I have thy forgiveness. =) (By the way, I will not pecrypt my trainers anymore. If one wants to learn by disassembling the trainers, he is free to do so. Point is that if he is smart enough to do that, then he deserves to learn. That is if he needs to learn more.) LightB INSTALL INFORMATION Just run the trainer, get in the game, and hit F12. Note: You may load the trainer whenever you want to. GREETINGS AND NEWS ORIGIN is looking for a GOOD HARDWARE supplier. Contact us NOW! ************************************************************************** NOTE: Origin will >>PAY<< back the full retail cost of any originals supplied to us because we look after our friends. :) ************************************************************************** Please feel free to contact us about any NEW PATCHES, ORIGINALS, or ADDONS. Only officially licensed and authorized ADDONS are accepted. CONTACT US NOW! Do you want to be a part of the Origin team? We are ALWAYS looking for talented PEOPLE to be a part of Origin. Are you able to help in any of following areas: Do you work for a software house, store/shop, distributor, or publisher? Can you supply un-released games, utilities, or hardware? Are you working for a fast ISP, other supplier of shell accounts, etc? Can you donate something else of value to the group? Do you want your site/board to be part of the Origin team? If you run a site/board and are ready to contribute to the success of the only OPEN cracking group on the PC, get in touch with us. All our siteops must actively participate in the success of the group; so, if you plan to just only sit there and run a board/site, forget it. Group Greetings: CORE - DVNISO - FUSION - ISOCD98 - ISOLATION - KALISTO - SAC - X-PRESSION People Greetings: AgentEx, Snoop-Maverick, Red Leader, Ultimate, G-Rom, Hankman, Leno, Beowulf, Angwee, Brainski, Trainman, Smokey, Bluewater, Sektiod, Cyric, Devil, The Blue Adept, Animal & Dogfriend, ATM, Pale Horse, Temp, Zoldan, Teacher, OFD, Sakic, Xades, Tragik, Grudge, Sentinel, Waynekerr, Rotox, Magnetic King, Jaydee, Jammer, Speed Master, Fallen Angel, Rosco, Beep, Wolverine, Sensi, X-Con, Miramax, Tklp, Thor, Manhunter and Hoson. ORIGIN MEMBERS & NET DIVISION MEMBERS: Axen. BudBundy. Cypher. DaJackal. Dark Rebellion. Daloner. Delta. Deth166. Diz. DJay. Dread. Gee Money. Gogolie. ][cE. Kokah. Letterman. LightB. Mad Turnip. Morph. MrNop. MrPuppy3D. PowerTool. Possible. Recoil. Rosco. Sick. Tklp. The Krazy Nomad. Tharizdun. Tragik. TTentacle. Wadood. Wideon. Zamu. Zip. TRADERS: Fertile. Moonsabre. Mr. Pumpkin. (Do not ask for trial, we choose the trialists.) ORIGIN HEADQUARTERS: WHQ POSITION OPEN Read application rules to apply. EHQ POSITION OPEN Read application rules to apply. CHQ MDK XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX T3 Unlisted USHQ BHZ XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX T3 Unlisted BHQ TBL XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX T3 Unlisted UKHQ PR XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX T3 Unlisted UKHQ DL XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX T3 Unlisted UKHQ TFR2 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX T3 Unlisted NOTE: If a site is not listed above, then that site is NOT in Origin. Beware of fake Origin members, anyone not listed is NOT in Origin! HOW TO REACH AND CONTACT US: Origin IRC Chat Channel Connect to an Efnet IRC server, then join our channel--#ORIGIN Origin Supply E-Mail newsupply@hotmail.com "WHO DARES WINS" last update on 12-21-98 .... . . ........................... ........:.............. ........:..................... : :....... . . : .............:.......: : ___:_____________________:______________: ______ __________________ :______ \_ ____ \____ ____/ _/_\____ ____/ |_\___ |_\_____/ _ __/ | _ _//_ _ _|/___/_/ __|__ \___ \_ __|__\_/ \__/ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ _ \___| /_____ .:|________/____ .|_______/_______/__/__ /__|\____// [=====|_____/ ===|____|===========|____|====================/____/============] R E B E L L i O N A U T H O R i T Y ESPRiT EHQ - BLiZZARD WHQ - TRPS EHQ - RiSE RHQ _ _ ______________ _______| |_______ ____________________________| |_______ _______ \_ _/ | .\__ ._/__ | _/ _ __/ ____ \____/_ .__/_ | _ _// _/ ^ \__ ! \_ | .| . . \_ \_ _|/___/_ \_ | .| | // _ \___| //________/___ :|___| \___ /__| /___/___ :|_____| _/ [====|___/=============|____|===|_____/=/____/===|_____/=======|____|=[sY!]===] : .......... .. ..:................:........ : :..........:...............: :.......:.....: :.......................... . . ........: sY! COUNCIL ~~~~~~~~~ Symbolic Zenke MRY SENIORS ~~~~~~~~~ Cujo Fix SeRiAlKiLLaH Rocketeer Easy MEMBERS ~~~~~~~~~ Sweeper Spice Digitzz Hudson Pops Darkseid Count Hiv Santo2 Zeace Jin Mrambush Zerox MoonSabre Zorak RD Jman Phunqe Fjalar Grind Rase Kindaya Santo2 Dasker Shultas Genesis ZynoDisk Johhny Pozest Toddle G-zpot EPTiSO SeRiAlKiLLaH LiroJ Spawn Zorak Just another line:SeRiAlKiLLaH thx for the big help in this Division:D CODING/DEMO Rocketeer Tiamat_1 KeySer SITES ~~~~~~~~~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WORLD-HQ xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EURO-HQ xxxxxx Txx Vxxx US-HQ 10MBIT Dxxxxx CA-HQ 10MBIT Mxxxxxx ISO-HQ 2MBIT Sxxxx Ox Hxxxxx GAME-HQ 10MBIT THE NEWS ~~~~~~~~~~ We welcome to the family: Grind, Jman, Moonsabre, Toddle, Spawn, G-Zpot, Pozest and RD Two New Divisions in Esprit: Coding/Demo and EPTiSO CONTACT INFORMATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the way to contact esprit is very simple,talk to one of the members and we will consider your membership,we are looking for people who like to work together, LOYAL, and looking for nice friends. - Easy GREETZ ~~~~~~~~ BLiZZARD MASSiVE TFT Farenheit Regicide Overtime Stubb Booze Psi The_GOW Malnut BALU Blizzard` Garlflozzy [ UPDATED 11-07-98 By Easy] ____::::::______ : :: / | __:___::____ | |/ )|_______ _______ ____ ____ ____ _ _____ / / _/ / |/ | ___ _ / / /_______ | // / / / / | |_/ / / \__ ) |___|( \_________(_________|___________ (_____ /____)/__________/ | :\_______ | \___/ | : :: | __ ___ __________ ___ __ | _:___::_____| \ \ EQUALiTY WHQ. // // / | / )__________ ) CORE WHQ. ( |/ / __/ / X-FoRCE CHQ. / // / / ( _ DSi HQ. _ ) (_____________/_________| \_\________ DiViNE. ________//_/ | : :: | FCN EHQ. | __:___::_ | ____________ |/ __)__ _______| | _______ _____________ _ _____ / | | / | /_______ / ) |/ / | \ \__ ) \______________/_______|____________(_________|\______________)/__________/ | : :: | powered by EQLFTPD | : :: | /___:___::_____ : :: :::::: established june 1997. aboul. blackbull. cybergod. dawn. debber. dizzy & shockie. djogzz. druggy. fls. grim. hellraid. insanity. mc. mc gusto. pixie. psi. renny. raidman. sharkie. sicko. snap. storm. teklord. tirre. torkie. treznor. viper1. wadood. wolfje. wrecker. xanadu. xrex. HONORARY boomer. doublee. klon. THE SITES realms of chaos t-3 world hq the wolves' house t-3 european hq tower of power t-3 us hq vision factory t-3 courier hq darklands t-3 member tar valon t-3 member the black lotus t-1 member the bull t-3 member jukebox t-3 iso GROUP NEWS More then a year old now, ROCKING better then ever. Thanks to all who participated in our success. - Lots of sites went down because of some power greedy kid, even our EHQ TWH got hit by this boy. As a respect to TWH, we will keep the site on the EHQ position for now, eventho it doesn't exist anymore. Thanks for being EQL from the start, we appreciate it. Consider this honorary EHQ position as a token of our appreciation. - Welcome in EQUALiTY tirre and insanity. Welcome back to the bull!! - need to talk to us? find us in #equality on efnet. or mail us at equality4all@hotmail.com INFORMATION we are a group made up of friends. no egos allowed. we are all equal, and treat each other with respect. we believe in two things, equality for all members and quality in our couriering. that's the bottom line. ____________. ___________ .___________ ___________. ______ ____ |_ /________| ______. |.| ____ |_________ _____/ /_________ ____. /_ _______ | (____)____. ._____. /___ / ___/ // | ____/ | | _____|_ | |_| | ___. / >___ /) / |/ /) | \ / | _/|_ |/ / /___ /____ (_______________) |____________ __| | \___ / \_______ \______ /______//______ | | /___/ _ ______________________________________________________ |_____| ________ _ e q u a l i t y /___________ EQL! nfo header: blak nfo layout: druggy last updated: 11/21/98 nfo footer: cybergod This trainer has been verified and it 'works'. If you find any difficulties please refer to the documentation that comes with the trainer (if there is any) or it must be due to the version differences of the game that was used for creating this trainer and the version you are using. --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: gangsters.zip
File size: 15.48 KB
Mime type: application/octet-stream; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am