Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 v1.05 (Unlocker)
Text file description:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <game_info internet_speed="3000"> <gametype_settings> <!-- Last edited by Mattias Wiking, GRIN Inc, 21st November 2007 --> <adv_scoring_a value="false"/> <!-- If gamemode uses RVSA score system --> <adv_scoring_b value="false"/> <!-- If gamemode uses RVSA score system --> <advanced_cheat_check value="false"/> <!-- If more advanced anticheat checks shall be made. --> <advanced_cheat_check_time value="5"/> <!-- How often the check should be done --> <advanced_cheat_timeout_time value="15"/> <!-- If the client doesnt answer the cheat check. This is the time before the player get kicked. --> <advanced_cheat_trys value="5"/> <!-- How many failed trys in a row before getting kicked. This should be atleast a couple. Lag and packetloss can sometimes fail a client --> <adversarial value="false"/> <!-- OGR coop option --> <allow_sidechange_under_match value="true"/> <!-- Allow players to change side during game --> <allowed_movement_deviant value="10"/> <!-- The allowed amount in % speed diffrence foe the player on the server and the client. --> <allowed_movement_deviant_check value="true"/> <!-- Advanced speedhack check --> <allowed_movement_deviant_trys value="0"/> <!-- Number of allowed failed movement checks before player get kicked --> <always_reload_map value="false"/> <!-- this is only true in OGR coop, we must reload the map to spawn the enemies--> <auto_balance value="true"/> <!-- Autobalance the team --> <auto_balance_limit value="2"/> <!-- Allowed missbalance if Autobalance is true --> <auto_kick value="false"/> <!-- not used --> <auto_kick_time value="240"/> <!-- not used --> <auto_screenshot value="false"/> <!-- If the server should take screenshots automatic --> <auto_screenshot_interval value="45"/> <!-- Minumum time is 30 sec. We dont want to flood the server and the clients with SS data --> <auto_screenshot_size value="1"/> <!-- Screenshot size 1=640x480, 2=800x600, 3=1024x768, 4=Clients screensize. NOTE* this can generate large SS so be carefull --> <auto_screenshot_timeout value="20"/> <!-- Minumum time is 10 sec. The client must have a chance to answer, and the screenshot funktion is low priority for the CPU. We dont want to lag the client --> <awa_distance value="15000"/> <both_side_ready_required value="true"/> <capture_time value="5"/> <!-- In Seige, time in seconds to take over the siege zone --> <clan_game value="false"/> <!-- If its a clan game --> <coop_difficulty value="normal"/> <!-- not used --> <death_cam value="true"/> <!-- Use deathcam if the gametype allow it --> <dedicated_server value="false"/> <!-- not used --> <end_round_message value="round"/> <!-- "round" will show the normal "round score". "deathmatch" will show deathamtch localized. If there is something else the text will be displayed as its written. this is for the modders.--> <even_round value="false"/> <!-- If an extra round should be played if its uneven number of rounds --> <fail_on_leader_death value="false"/> <!-- not used --> <friendly_fire value="true"/> <!-- Use friendky fire. False mean no Teamkilling is possible --> <game_difficulty value="normal"/> <game_mode value="MPCoop"/> <!-- Only used internal, does not effect when changed --> <gamespy_ranked value="true"/> <has_mp_map value="false"/> <!-- Only used internal, does not effect when changed --> <has_tag_data_system value="false"/> <!-- The extended data about tagged units, name, class, rank --> <has_tag_system value="true"/> <!-- True if the players should be enabled to tag. --> <has_xcom value="true"/> <hud_abc_objectives value="false"/> <immortality_duration value="9"/> <kill_limit2 value="9"/> <!-- RvsA Score value --> <kill_limit3 value="4"/> <!-- RvsA Score value --> <kill_score1 value="5"/> <!-- This score is given if there are more than or equal to kill_limit_b enemies left --> <kill_score2 value="3"/> <!-- This score is given if there are less than kill_limit_b enemies left --> <kill_score3 value="2"/> <!-- This score is given if there are less than kill_limit_c enemies left --> <kill_score_a value="1"/> <!-- This the normal score given to a team_a player for killing another team player --> <kill_score_b value="1"/> <!-- This the normal score given to a team_b player for killing another team player --> <ladder_id value="false"/> <!-- Only used internal, does not effect when changed --> <level value="transition"/> <!-- Only used internal, does not effect when changed --> <load_next_map value="true"/> <lock_spawn_time value="60"/> <!-- (Seconds) Lock the player from being able to spawn --> <map_cycle value=""/> <!-- (Mapnames) A string with space separated map names, "mp01 mp02 mp05" --> <match_is_one_round value="false"/> <!-- this is only true in OGR coop, else next map wont load --> <match_length value="15"/> <!-- Match time --> <match_points value="35"/> <!-- Points to win the match. --> <match_start_time value="5"/> <!-- Time till match start, when starting condition is meet --> <max_ai_ghosts value="3"/> <max_deaths value="0"/> <!-- Number of death before permantly dead. 0 means unlimited respawns --> <max_move_without_ack_time value="2"/> <!-- (Seconds) How long a player may keep moving without server verification. Lower will make it harder for cheaters and people with bad connections --> <max_players value="32"/> <!-- Max players on the server. --> <member_info_broadcast_interval value="2"/> <!-- (Seconds) How often non-essential information about kills, deaths and score is sent to clients --> <message_of_the_day value=""/> <message_of_the_day_interval value="90" /> <!-- How often the MOTD shall be displayed in the chat. In seconds and must be over 45, else it will not be displayed at all. --> <minimap_enemy_markers value="true"/> <!-- Show enemy on the minimap --> <minimap_friendly_markers value="true"/> <!-- Show friends on the minimap --> <minimap_hh_slider value="true"/> <minimap_player_marker value="true"/> <!-- Show the player on the minimap --> <mpcoop_timer value="5"/> <!-- not used --> <name value="GRAW2 Server"/> <!-- Server name --> <next_map value=""/> <!-- Only used internal, does not effect when changed --> <next_round_time value="10"/> <!-- Time till next round will start, when stats is showing --> <players_ready_required value="2"/> <!-- (Players) How many people in total that has to be ready before match starts --> <port value="16250"/> <punish_tk value="true"/> <!-- Kick team killers --> <punish_suicide value="false"> <!-- This could be used in Clan games to be punish the player when he kills himself --> <ranked_game value="true"/> <!-- If this server is a ranked server --> <ranking_system value="false"/> <!-- Use ranks for the class selection. Only true in RvsA --> <reset_kills_per_rounds value="false"/> <!-- Only used internal, does not effect when changed --> <resupply_ammo_time value="20"/> <!-- Only used internal, does not effect when changed --> <round_length value="10"/> <!-- round time --> <rvsa_rank1 value="0"/> <!-- Value to gain rank 1 in RvsA mode, you start as rank 1 so this should be 0. --> <rvsa_rank2 value="10"/> <!-- Value to gain rank 2 in RvsA mode --> <rvsa_rank3 value="20"/> <!-- Value to gain rank 3 in RvsA mode --> <rvsa_rank4 value="40"/> <!-- Value to gain rank 4 in RvsA mode --> <rvsa_rank5 value="70"/> <!-- Value to gain rank 5 in RvsA mode --> <rvsa_rank6 value="100"/> <!-- Value to gain rank 6 in RvsA mode --> <rvsa_rank7 value="130"/> <!-- Value to gain rank 7 in RvsA mode --> <scan_for_cheats value="true"/> <!-- scan for file diffrence --> <score_listing_type value="0"/> <server_log value="true"/> <!-- A minor log on the server side that put down events to a log file --> <server_log_chat value="true"/> <!-- If the chat should be put down in that file to. Both values need to be true --> <show_attachable_early value="false"/> <show_player value="true"/> <show_supply value="false"/> <show_teammates value="true"/> <show_who_killed_who value="true"/> <!-- show "Who killed who" text --> <show_zoomed_markers value="true"/> <!-- not used --> <siege_time value="5"/> <!-- not used --> <silent_screenshot" value="false" /> <!-- If the server should broadcast that a SS has been taken --> <skip_insertion value="false"/> <!-- not used --> <smoke_occluders value="true"/> <!-- Only used internal, does not effect when changed --> <spawn_on_side_switch value="true"/> <!-- this defines if you are able to spawn when you change team --> <spawn_time value="15"/> <!-- the respawn time --> <start_condition value="4"/> <!-- 1=All slots full, 2=All players, 3=Server ready, 4=One per team --> <swap_method value="side"/> <!-- Can be "side" (the sides are changed) or spawn (only the spawnlocations are switched) --> <switch_sides value="true"/> <!-- switch side bwtween rounds --> <teamkill_kick_limit value="2"/> <!-- (Kills) After how many teamkills a player will be kicked --> <timer_type value="normal"/> <!-- "normal" is round and Match time. "mission" is one timer that counts up --> <tk_scoring value="false"/> <!-- This score is given if there are more than or equal to kill_limit_b enemies left --> <update_markers value="team"/> <use_side_score value="false"/> <use_sides value="two"/> <!-- "one", "two", "coop" --> <use_victory_points value="true"/> <vote_enabled value="true"/> <!-- If players are allowed to start votes --> <vote_kick_starters value="2"/> <!-- number of vote-kick's the player are allowed to start --> <vote_map_starters value="2"/> <!-- number of vote-map the player are allowed to start --> <vote_ratio value="51"/> <!-- ( % of all players ) --> <vote_time value="45"/> <!-- Time that the vote is active --> <win_condition value="1"/> <!-- not used --> <win_method value="side"/> <!-- Can be "swap" or "side" --> </gametype_settings> </game_info> IceCold /settings/profiles/graw2_icecold
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 2.86 MB
Mime type: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
April 13, 2008 - 9:00pm