Gorky 02: Aurora Watching (Ammo Trainer)

Gorky 02: Aurora Watching (Ammo Trainer)

Gorky 02: Aurora Watching (Ammo Trainer)

Text file description:

               * FiLTH *
         [ Release date    :        o8o7 2oo5 ]
             [ Release type    :    Trainer / Dox ]
               [ Release size    :           o1x5MB ]
                  [ Supplied by     :             None ]
                   [ Trained by      :            FiLTH ]
                 [ Coded by        :            FiLTH ]
               [ Packed by       :            FiLTH ]
              [ Options         :                1 ]
             [ Tested with     :   DEViANCE's iSO ]
                       Release Info
                     Thanks to DEViANCE for the iSO..
                                  Release Notes
                 After you click OK the window will disappear,
                 dont worry tho, it's running in the background.
                 Shift + F8 to toggle infinite ammo on and off
                 Shift + F9 to exit the trainer
                 1. Run Trainer.exe
                 2. Read the instructions
                 3. Click OK
                                Big thanks to:
                       our affils for having us
                  the gamerip-scene.
              FiLTH are always looking for..
       100Mbit Dumps / 10Mbit+ Shells / EU Affils
        Crackers / Rippers / Suppliers / Coders!
                           drop us a line at
                    _ f i l t h _ [ a t ] h u s h . a i
                                ascii by
                              cpN of cRo

File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.


File size: 34.37 KB

Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

Trainer FAQ