Grand Theft Auto 4 v1.0.1.0 (+10 Trainer)
Text file description:
P R E S E N T S . . . GTA:IV V: +10 trainer Release Info. ^ ^ ^ [ Release Version .................................. Final ] [ Release Size ..................................... 250Kb ] [ Release Data .................................. 03/01/09 ] [ Game URL ...................... www.rockstargames.com/iv ] [ Game Version ...................................v1.0.1.0 ] [ Source ........................................Razor1911 ] Release Usage. ^ ^ ^ Please disable any antivirus or firewall applications before using any of our releases, to avoid conflicts. Trainers work primarily by accessing and manipulating game memory, and modern security applications can prevent them from working. and as all of you know this game it self is buggy and there is several crashes (without using trainer).this game has been trained with latest patch installed.please make sure you've installed latest version of games for windows live. now you may say why i'm saying this?simple,cos in this game most important things for example money is being handled by xlive module.i've done all of the options except money in game executable.real money is beign handled by xlive so if you have older version of xlive then money option will not work or it may cause crash.i've tested this trainer under windows xp sp3 32 bit os and not sure if works under vista too or not.and teleport option is working terrible due bad coding of the game.and sorry for my bad english. after game starts after several minutes you may get an error msg if you get just leave it alone and jump back to game and continue playing. Windows Vista users, make sure you run the trainer as administrator, and try Windows XP SP2 compatibility mode if you experience any problems. Note: Update works fine with the Razor1911 crack, as the Razor1911 crack is just a loader, which haven't been updated. - close any running programs - start the trainer - Load the game - Refer to the hotkeys below Release Notes. ^ ^ ^ [Num 0] GOD MODE [Toggle] ------------------------- first activated there is nothing in the game that can kill you also it will give you full protection too. [Num 1] Infinite Ammo [Toggle] ------------------------- it gives you infinite ammo for all weapons including grandes/rockets as well. [Num 2] 1 Hit Kill [Toggle] ----------------------------- kick every ones ass with one simple hit [Num 3] Never Get tired [Toggle] ----------------------------- run and jump without getting tired [Num 4] Freeze Every one [Toggle] ----------------------------- this option will freeze every one around you so you can kick their ass easily! [Num 5] Super Speed [Toggle] ----------------------------- this option gives you ability to run at high speed! [Num 6] Get $999999999 [Toggle] ----------------------------- it gives you $999999999.please make sure at least you have $50 $55 in your pocket then activate it and leave it alone and do not pick up any money untill your current money reaches to 999999999.some times it may not acually give you 999999999. [Num 7] Infinite Vehicle health [Toggle] ----------------------------- it gives infinite health for your vehicle but please keep this in your mind your vehicle is not protected against fire and explosives. [Num 8] No Police [Toggle] ----------------------------- activate this option when your wanted level is 0 and kick every ones ass without getting busted [Num -] Save Position [Not Toggle] ----------------------------- this will save your current position [Num +] Restore Position [Not Toggle] ----------------------------- press this key to restore saved position.this key will not work until you actually save your position. RADiANCE Team Members. ^ ^ ^ [ atom0s ........................................ Releaser ] [ Labyrnth ...................................... Releaser ] [ Psych ......................................... Releaser ] [ eXtreme ....................................... Releaser ] [ Tenebricosus .................................. Releaser ] [ Sunbeam ....................................... Releaser ] [ n00b .......................................... Releaser ] RADiANCE Team Information. ^ ^ ^ We are always looking for talented individuals to join us! You can reach us via IRC: Greets. ^ ^ ^ RADiANCE - CES - Brewers RELOADED - Unleased 0x0008 - ViTALiTY - Razor1911 And all those who support us & those we missed! [ ASCii BY `high24[7 @ HighOnASCii | Modded by Psych 12/08 ]
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 87.44 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 6, 2009 - 9:00pm