Last Bronx +2 trainer
Text file description:
A!B DF2 oOo WARez RIng ORganization oOo Last Bronx *TRAINER +2* (c) Sega 1998 Cracker....: Kaiser Soze Release Date..: February 17th, 1998 Supplier...: Kaiser Soze Oper. System..: Windows 95 Stripper...: Kaiser Soze Protection....: - Packager...: Kaiser Soze Game Type.....: Trainer # of disk..: 1 Language......: Do u speak Trainer? Req..: Last Bronx (Razor release) oOo Release Notes oOo Another little trainer. This one is for Last Bronx, released yesterday by Razor. It allow u to make the character of your choice invulnerable, and it works with both players (player 1 or 2, or both players at the same time...) Enjoy this cool little trainer and expect much more from us soon... oOo Install Notes oOo Extract the file into the directory where u have installed LAST BRONX (e.g.: C:BRONX). Be sure to launch the game BEFORE running the trainer. Now choose the player u want to make invulnerable and assign a key for it (be sure to select a key that is not already in use) and there u go... Note: U only need to press the key once and your life points will then be frozen...making u invulnerable. That's it...enjoy! oOo Group News oOo There has been a lot of changes for us these days : new members, new NFO (a big thanx to Antibody/Defacto2...great work!), new suppliers and new couriers...so watch out, we're here to stay! 15th release of the year for us...and more coming soon! A big thanx to all the guyz from Demise for their work...we really appreciate it... Personal message to Caffeineman : Glad to know that the operation was a success, but I think your boobs are too big now...hehe - Kaiser oOo Founders oOo CIAN & KAISER SOZE oOo Members oOo AMAZON, CHRISTO, CIAN, CK, IPEX, JR, KAISER SOZE, NICK, SARGON & ZOLLA. oOo Greetings oOo Groups....: 2000AD, BACKLASH, CLASS, DEMISE, DIVINE, GWB, HYBRID, MAFIA, PARADIGM, RAZOR 1911, SKELETON & UCF. Personal..: ASTRAL, CAFFEINEMAN, CAROL aka THE LOST ONE, DANNO-1, FlEbBhUe, GLACIER, GOD-EMPEROR, ICE WARRIOR, KELT, LEEKS, MORDY, PIPO, SAMADHI, SONNY, STUPID, SUPER DOGFIGHTER & ULTIMO7. oOo Sites oOo Site Name............... SiteOp............ Speed........ Position........ JOD'S PLACE............. JOD & NICK........ T1+ ......... Warrior World Hq ZOLLA................... ZOLLA............. T1+ ......... Warrior Euro Hq CIAN.................... CIAN.............. T1+ ......... Warrior US Hq 1 jR...................... jR................ T1+ ......... Warrior US Hq 2 THE EIGHT ARMY.......... SARGON3........... Cable ....... Member CHRISTO................. CHRISTO........... T1+ ......... Member APPLY NOW............... APPLY NOW......... T1+ ......... Member APPLY NOW............... APPLY NOW......... T1+ ......... Member APPLY NOW............... APPLY NOW......... T1+ ......... Member APPLY NOW............... APPLY NOW......... T1+ ......... Member APPLY NOW............... APPLY NOW......... T1+ ......... Member oOo Contact Warrior oOo Interested in joining us? Here's how: iRC EFnet..: #Warrior. Via Email..: Warrior@hotmail.com. WWW........: None ASCii header and layout updated by...................... Antibody/Defacto2 Warrior nfo last updated 17-feb-1998 by....................... Kaiser Soze _____ ___ $$$ ______ .a"'~'"a. _.,,._$$$ _.,,._ $$$$,._ ,._ }B _.,,._ _.,,._ ,a$@""@$$$ ,a$@""@$a. $$$""@$a'""@$a` ,.,a',a$@""@$a. ,a$@""@$a. $$$' `$$$ $$$' `$$$ $$$ `$$b `$$b ._., $$$' `$$$ $$$' `$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$_________ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ - $$$ $$$ -- $$$ $$$ - $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$ - $$$ $$$ - $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ _____$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ _____$$$ |$$$ $$$ $$$ """""""" $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ """"""""| $$$. .$$$ $$$, ,aaa $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$, ,$$$ $$$, ,aaa| `$$$a,,a$$$$ `$$$a,,a$$$' $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ `$$$a,,a$$$' `$$$a,,a$$$' | ~"""~ ~""""~ ~""""~ ~""""~ -- GTi! --- --- -- ..dEMiSE iN dA 98.. | Demise '98 Team Prez FLebbHuE Vice Prez |BoBo| Council WZR RedDragn CableGod Aldog Seniors Skully Cablegod Malnut The Demise '98 Pack Recoil Cidco LordVader mrFanatic CTT Jesta Clone0 v|p|r Biovirus Phatboy p4-badsha Zhang Apk Aldog [six6six] |drakus| Ki||eR J0N97 SirMagik ^DaWg^ BBP mRTOmas Majin The Virus iCeMaN-X maL Harar APK r00ts Trials Now Excepting trials for Couriers, Suppliers, Crackers, please apply! Demise '98 Sites Site Name Position Speed Space Dxxxxxx Lxxx............USHQ.............T1.............DEMISE............ Dxxxxxxx Cxxxxxxxxx.....Courier HQ.......T3.............DEMISE............ Txx Pxxx Hxxxx..........WHQ..............T1.............DEMISE............ Axxx 1xx................CHQ..............T3.............DEMISE............ Dxxx Pxxxx..............AFFIL............T3.............DEMISE............ Cxxxx Ox Dxxxx..........AFFIL............T3.............DEMISE............ Txxxxxx Pxxx............AFFIL............T3.............DEMISE............ Dxx.....................AFFIL............T3.............DEMISE............ demise '98 News Demise has gone through big changes, such as, cuts. At this time we : only want the dedicated... only suppliers/crackers/couriers, if : you should happen to want to join come to #demise Demise '98 Greets People: [six6six], Kang6902, Norseman, Doobie, SnakeEyEs, |exile|, Trinidad Kaiser Soze and team Warrior, cTT, Tankard, RaininZ, Eyedoll and team Intensity Groups: RAZOR , DOD , SODOM , PARADIGM, x-force, Vengeance, Millennium Apocalypse, UCF2000, Divine, Devotion, Rise, RiSC, HiD . .. .:: ::: Contacting Demise '98 ::: ::. .. . E-mail:Demise98@Hotmail.Com : Web:HTTP://www.soontocome.com : IRC:#demise (EFnet server) Nfo Last Updated On 02/10/98 -++- Nfo Header by GTI & Layout by Cablegod _____ ___ $$$ ______ .a"'~'"a. _.,,._$$$ _.,,._ $$$$,._ ,._ }B _.,,._ _.,,._ ,a$@""@$$$ ,a$@""@$a. $$$""@$a'""@$a` ,.,a',a$@""@$a. ,a$@""@$a. $$$' `$$$ $$$' `$$$ $$$ `$$b `$$b ._., $$$' `$$$ $$$' `$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$_________ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ - $$$ $$$ -- $$$ $$$ - $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$ - $$$ $$$ - $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ _____$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ _____$$$ |$$$ $$$ $$$ """""""" $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ """"""""| $$$. .$$$ $$$, ,aaa $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$, ,$$$ $$$, ,aaa| `$$$a,,a$$$$ `$$$a,,a$$$' $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ `$$$a,,a$$$' `$$$a,,a$$$' | ~"""~ ~""""~ ~""""~ ~""""~ -- GTi! --- --- -- ..dEMiSE iN dA 98.. | P R O U D L Y P R e S E N T S - --- -- [Welcome to]---> ______/.___.____/.___.__/._____//\____ . \_____ (___)\_ (___) |_ ____ _ | - : . | | | | ____/ | ___//___/ | |___ . : : _| : | | | | | |__/ / | | | : | | \____ |___|\___ |___|___ /\____ |___ | | | +----- \__| ---- \__| --- |__/ -- \__| -\__| ---+ +------------ -- - [blaze/pnc] _______/\___/\_____/\___/\__ : .___/\__/ .___.___/\____/\_ +- \__ ____ ____ ____ ___| ___ __ |___(___)___ ____ | -+ | | |__/ | | /__/ /__/ | | /___| _____ | | | / | | : _| : | | | | | | | | | |___| | : | | | : . \____ |_____| |__| |__|____ |__| |___ /|___|_____| |__| . \__| |__| |__| \__| |__// |__| - Digital Corruption - -- Renaissance EHQ . PWA ECHQ . UCF CHQ -- SiteOps: Ico . Sinister . SirMagik Iceb . Novocaine . Toth Nukers: Vorteqz . Trade This trainer has been verified and it 'works'. If you find any difficulties please refer to the documentation that comes with the trainer (if there is any) or it must be due to the version differences of the game that was used for creating this trainer and the version you are using. --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: lstbronx.zip
File size: 118.67 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am