Phoenix Point v1.0.54861 (+1 Trainer) [Cheat Happens]
Text file description:
Phoenix Point by cheathappens.com ------------------------------------------------------- Activating this trainer ------------------------------------------------------- If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Promo Options ------------------------------------------------------- Separator: Reset Time at Pause or Move Trainer Options ------------------------------------------------------- # Geomap NumPad1: Display All Map Locations # Base Progression NumPad2: Instant Research NumPad3: Instant Construction NumPad4: Instant Manufacturing NumPad5: Large Living Quarters Space NumPad6: Mega Power Generators NumPad7: Mega Storage Space NumPad8: Mega Aircraft Storage Space NumPad9: Mega Vehicle Storage Space # Unit Progression Multiply: Unlimited Training SP Add: Unlimited Phoenix SP # Game Time Separator: Reset Time at Pause or Move # Alien Attacks Subtract: Aliens Do Not Attack Havens Decimal: No Mist Spread # Population Divide: Protect Haven Populations # Units Combat F1: Reset Fatigue F2: Unlimited Unit Health F3: Unlimited Unit AP F4: Unlimited Unit WP F5: Reset Body Part Damage # Weapons F6: Unlimited Ammo Clips F7: No Reload F8: Unlimited Grenade Use # AI Combat F9: AI Do Not Attack # Cheat Console F10: Enable Cheat Menu # Game Speed F11: Game Speed Editor Options ------------------------------------------------------- # Resources: Food Materials Tech # Faction Relations: New Jericho Synedrion Discibles of Anu # Game Time: Time Elapsed in Game # Alien Progression: SDI Level Meter # Mouse Over Unit: Current Health Notes ------------------------------------------------------- Display All Map Locations: Toggle on and LOAD a SAVE and all the unique locations can be seen. You will still have to fly to them to discover what they are. Also you can use the Enable Cheat Menu and the Reveal Sites cheat to actually reveal them all. Instant Research: Toggle on then start research and it completes instantly. Instant Construction: Toggle on then start construction and it completes instantly. Instant Manufacturing: Toggle on then start manufacturing and it completes instantly. Large Living Quarters Space: Toggle on and Living Quarters buildings have more room for more units. You may have to power OFF and building and power it back ON to see the effect change. Mega Power Generators: Toggle on and Power Generator buildings produce more power. You may have to power OFF and building and power it back ON to see the effect change. Mega Storage Space: Toggle on and Storage Buildings have more space. You may have to power OFF and building and power it back ON to see the effect change. Mega Aircraft Storage Space: Toggle on and you can create more aircraft at base hangars. You may have to power OFF and building and power it back ON to see the effect change. Mega Vehicle Storage Space: Toggle on and you can create more Vehicles at base hangars. You may have to power OFF and building and power it back ON to see the effect change. Unlimited Training SP: Unlimited Phoenix SP: Toggle on and you have plenty at training. Aliens Do Not Attack Havens: Toggle on and aliens will not attack havens. Please note that some parts of the progression of the campaign rely on the spread of aliens and them attacking certain havens so use accordingly. No Mist Spread: Toggle on and the mist will not spread. Protect Haven Populations: Toggle on and populations of havens will not decrease due to starvation or mist or some other things. Reset Fatigue: Toggle on and when you are about to embark on a mission and you are selecting units, you will see that the fatigue is reset for them. Unlimited Unit Health: Unlimited Unit WP: Toggle on while in combat and the selected unit being moved will have unlimited. Unlimited Unit AP: Toggle on while in combat and the selected unit being moved will have unlimited. Essentially you can move and attack at will. Reset Body Part Damage: Toggle on, click the unit you wish to affect, the click INFO to see the values and that they have reset. Toggle back off once you have repaired / healed. LEAVE THIS OFF WHEN ATTACKING ENEMIES OR SOME OF THEM WILL APPEAR INVINCIBLE! Unlimited Ammo Clips: Toggle on and if you have an ammo clip, when you reload the ammo clip is not used and is still in your inventory for most weapons. No Reload: Toggle on and most weapons will be able to fire without needing reload. Unlimited Grenade Use: Toggle on and if you have a grenade and throw it, it isn't removed from your inventory. AI Do Not Attack: Toggle on and while on, most enemies will not attack when it is their turn. Enable Cheat Menu: Toggle on then press TAB to open it up. You can then navigate the menu and select cheats (Instant WIN, for instance). Some effects require you to select units or position cursor over things, or may be inactive in this release. Experiment to see what does what. MAKE SAVES BEFORE DOING THINGS because some effects may be permanent or unwanted. Press TAB to close back. Game Speed: Toggle on to speed up the game. Resources' Food: Resources' Materials: Resources' Tech: Faction Relations' New Jericho: Faction Relations' Synedrion: Faction Relations' Discibles of Anu: Press GEOSCAPE button to refresh. Time Elapsed in Game: This will fill in on Geomap. You can edit it to change the date/time of the game. SDI Level Meter: This is the meter at the upper right of the Geomap. Press GEOSCAPE button to refresh. Current Health: While in combat, mouse over unit and the value will show here. You can then edit it. Most useful to make enemies very weak or to heal units. ==================================================================== Mute Hotkeys: ------------------------------------------------------- To temporarily disable the Hotkeys, press CTRL-H after trainer is activated. You can use CTRL-H to re-activate the Hotkeys as well. You can also mute specific hotkeys by changing the hotkey you want to mute to 'NONE'. VR Mode ------------------------------------------------------- HTC Vive Click on the 'VR Mode' button. Trainer options will now be drawn as buttons. Activate the trainer as usual with your keyboard. Put your HTC Vive on and when you are ingame press the 'Menu' button on the hand controllers to open the steam overlay. At the bottom you can click on the 'Desktop' button and you can easily press options on the trainer with your hand controller now. Oculus Rift Click on the 'VR Mode' button. Trainer options will now be drawn as buttons. Open Oculus dashboard and click on 'Oculus Desktop', now press the buttons on the trainer to toggle the cheats. Troubleshooting ------------------------------------------------------- Requirements: Windows 10 v1603 64-Bit or later (32-Bit is NOT supported!) .NET Core Runtime 3.1 or above: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/3.1/runtime/desktop/x64 (if link doesn't work go to https://dot.net) DirectX9 for controller support Known issues: https://www.cheathappens.com/trainer_troubleshooting.asp AUTHENTICITY NOTICE (Does not apply to PROMO or FREE trainers): ------------------------------------------------------- In an effort to maintain the integrity of the files downloaded from our site and to prevent illegal file sharing, this trainer will perform an authenticity check while in use. This check requires an Internet connection and the trainer will not run if a connection is absent or if the trainer is blocked by a security application. FOR A LIST OF INFORMATION THAT IS SENT TO CHEAT HAPPENS DURING THE AUTHENTICATION PROCESS PLEASE REVIEW OUR PRIVACY POLICY AT HTTPS://WWW.CHEATHAPPENS.COM/PRIVACYPOLICY.ASP This check is only performed on trainers that have been personalized for individual use, not our PROMO or FREE trainers. If you want/need to use the trainer offline, please go to our trainer troubleshooting page for instructions on how to obtain an offline key to avoid online checks. Get more trainers and updates at http://www.cheathappens.com
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: ppoint861promo-ch.zip
File size: 5.63 MB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 12, 2020 - 10:29pm