Moto GP: Ultimate Racing Technology 3 (+6 Trainer)
Text file description:
[PiZZADOX] . .. p r o u d l y p r e s e n t s .. . * MotoGP Ultimate Racing Technology 3 PLUS 6 TRAINER (C) PiZZADOX * Release Date .....: 09-03-05 Disks .....: 01 x 5.00mb Release Type .....: Trainer Options ...: Plus 6 [ R e l e a s e N o t e s ] Unzip/Unrar trainer into your game directory, then start trainer with "pztrain.exe", and finally start the game. During gameplay toggle trainer options by pressing the following key combinations: Hotkey Option F1 Toggle Get 25 Credits F2 Toggle Set Credits to 0 F3 Toggle No Penalty F4 Toggle Always 1st Place F5 Toggle Get Massive Money F6 Toggle Freeze Qualifying Time F7 Toggle Get Tutorial Time Well.. I know this one is about time, but since I made a bad code typo and my tester told me that the game crashed when disabling 'No Penalty' I was unable to fix it coz I was offline for a few days.. Anyways.. this would have been my 5th Trainer in August, so I'm getting kinda tired of releasing Trainers these days.. Thx to CCD for the game.. works wonderful.. even with D-Tools :P A Note to MiRROR: The CCD rls HAS RMPS info in the source.. even Alc120 says it! Their rls is running burned (1:1) AND mounted, so your rls is as useless as a second asshole ;) .. nothing against your work dudes.. But I mean.. whats the point in rlsing a 'proper', when there is already a working rls? (Don't take that personally, dudes!) btw, MiRROR, I wanted to thank you for your Advent Rising rls.. Great Job! Special regards to allEnL@aSxDoX for rlsing a kickass +8 for DS2.. Great Job.. I'd like to see that one for v2.1 as well, mate ;) Here are the Trainer notes.. read them or die.. Get 25 Credits: Go to: Single Player -> Carrer mode -> Any Championship -> Options (Tab-Key) -> Distribute Credits and you will get 25 Credits to distribute. Make sure that you have deactivated 'Set Credits to 0' before you use this Option. Set Credits to 0: Since you can only proceed to the next screen after you have spent all Credits, this will set the Credits to 0 and you will be able to proceed to the next screen. Make sure you have deactivated 'Get 25 Credits' before you use this Option. No Penalty: This Option disables the Penalty Time in races. Always 1st Place: Use this Option only for the Championship Races. It will make the game believe, that you are 1st, so that you will get 25 Champion- ship Points. The one, who made the REAL first place, will get 25 Points as well. Get Massive Money: You will get 9999999$ for the Extreme 600/1000/1200 series. Freeze Qualifying Time: This Option freezes the current Qualifying Time. Only activate this Option, when the Qualifying has start and disable it when it is over. Get Tutorial Time: The Tutorial Time will always be maxxed. You don't like the Trainer? .. don't fucking use it! /POiZN If you can not, or do not want to respect our work, then do NOT bother posting this info on your site without proper credit where due. " You Get Nothing And You Become Nothing " [ G r e e t i n g s ] PiZZADOX gives away cold beer and fresh PiZZA to our KNOWN friends in PiZZA - FAiRLIGHT - DEViANCE - GiMPSRUS - OUTCAST * B E C A U S E W E C A N * [01-01-03][nfo by nmls]
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 61.9 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
September 11, 2005 - 9:00pm