Prince of persia 2 trainer
Text file description:
******** NOTE: DO NOT LITTER THIS PROGRAM - PLEASE RECYLCE ******** THE DEFECTIVE DETECTIVES present -= Prince 2 =- Level Skip Cheat done by MetallicA ... HELLO Keys: simply press ALT-N Filesize: 1056 bytes to skip EVERY level Date: 27/04/93 Gfx: VGA-256 ;-) Cheat notes: This game had the same feature as PRINCE 1 to skip a level. The key for that is ALT-N (At Prince1 it was Ctrl-L or Shift-L). But this was/is limited until level 4. (Prince1/2) According to first PRINCE I thought that there must be a special built-in-cheat-mode. Last time it was MEGAHIT on the command line and you could skip all levels by pressing Shift-L. After 5 minutes debugging I saw, that there really must be such a cheater, 'cause there was a special flag that allowed the level skip after level 4. But this was limited until level 14! So I spent no time searching this build-in-cheater, but I wrote a new cheater, that allows skipping all levels and seeing the ending within 5 seconds. It works fine for me. If someone doesn't like it - recycle! MetallicA Greetings to : iNC, TRSi, TDT, Mea Culpa, THG, Xerox, Garfield?, UNT, Razor, Fairlight, Skillion ............ Personal greetz 2 : 1.30, Zombie, Blondie, Nerle, Stingray and some other without special name. EndOfFile Prince of Persia II : The Shadow and the Flame Save Game Editor v1.0 by SkaTeMasTer [THP] This is a little editor I wrote very quickly. I tried it a few times and it seems to work fine. It will let you change the level and the amount of hit points you have (i.e. little red flasks). This will change only the first save game entry. It was written very sloppily so if there are any changes that need to be made contact me on Harmony Skates. Greetings to all the Prince of Persia 1 fans! Here are some key's off the top of my head? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ESC - pause ALT-G - save game ALT-L - load a saved game SHIFT-LEFT/RIGHT - baby step in that direction CTRL - swing your sword -//- T H E D R E A M T E A M -\- Proudly Presents: PRINCE OF PERSIA ][ TRAINER 4++ RELEASE INFO Trained by..: Hard Core............... Supplier...: UNT.................. Buttons.....: 4....................... Date.......: 27TH April 1993 ..... Graphics....: VGA/MCGA 256 COLORS..... Size.......: 884 bytes ........... As you probably noticed the new UNT is pretty hard to play, therefor i decided to share my own trainer with the rest of the scene. 4 buttons are avalible [F1] - Toggles unlimited hit points (bottles) [F2] - Toggles normal game mode [F3] - Gives you 15 hit points (bottles) In case you find the unlimited hit points mode to easy, try this one! Hit this one as many times as you like during game play. When your bottles are low. [F5] - Kill yourself. WARNING! Only hit this key, if you did fall down from the building and did not have the unlimited option ON. This is important becoz if you use the unlimited hit points option, the character will never die when you fall down... If you press this key during the game play, it will FREEZE your game! Good Luck! Greetings goes to : UNT - Great releases lately! FAIRLIGHT (The REAL FLT), RAZOR 1911, THG and SKILLION THE DREAM TEAM - Friends Forever... IF you want to contact THE DREAM TEAM then call this BBS: Call : 612-755-1347 Use username: APPLICATION Password : TDT Hit 'E' and enter message to: HARD CORE If you want the newest and hottest soft very fast write to (no swapping) The Dream Team PO. BOX 52 810 70 AELVKARLEBY SWEDEN MEMBER BOARDS Unlawful Entry ............ 612-755-1347 .... 7 Nodes ... Major Theft ... Twins ..................... 514-723-4351 .... 4 Nodes ... Spread ........ New Central Europe ...... +(49)-TMP-DOWN ....13 Nodes ... Phil Thrust ... Lite House Express ........ 407-624-4329 .... 4 Nodes ... Freebird ...... Alpha 2010 ................ 210-687-9660 .... 4 Nodes ... Silus Guardian. HEADQUARTERS Highland Board .......... +(39)-PRI-VATE .... 5 Nodes ... Terminator .... Realm Of Immortality ...... ITS-PRI-VATE .... 3 Nodes ... Sparkling Flash Guru's Dream ............ +(46)-828-2760 .... 5 Nodes ... Dirty Bush .... DISTRIBUTION SITES Big Time .................. 519-TMP-DOWN .... 2 Nodes ... Stroke ........ The Deep .................. 305-888-7724 .... ....... ... Great White ... Athens .................... 510-827-1049 NUP: DIABLO. ... Aristotle ..... GreyBeard's Castle ........ 601-939-7861 .... 2 Nodes ... Mark Twain .... So'Krates ................. 310-836-0469 .... 2 Nodes ... Philosopher ... WORLD FAMOUS DISTRIBUTION SITES Zero City III .......... +(61)-2724-4152 .... 2 Nodes ... Icepic ........ DA HAUZE .............. +(31)-767-191-11 .... 4 Nodes ... Moby .......... Desert Storm .......... +(966)-1456-4172 .... ....... ... Amigo ......... HALL OF FAME (ACTIVE MEMBERS) [HARD CORE.....] - [MAJOR THEFT....] - [SPREAD.......] - [ROGER WILCO...] [DR.Q2.........] - [ACTION MAN.....] - [FREEBIRD.....] - [THE CORPORAL..] [SILUS GUARDIAN] - [MOSAIC.........] - [S. FLASH.....] - [REDSKIN.......] [S.S...........] - [MAVERICK.......] - [BLACK RIDER..] - [MARTIAL ARTIST] SPREADERS XAVIER X - Lord Disembowelment - Skybum - Coyotes Memeber - Freak - ROTOX NO UPDATES - NO NON-ENGLISH GAMES - NO WINDOWS GAMES - NO FUCK'UPS -*- Q U A L I T Y O N L Y -*- This file was distributed via The Lexicon of the Cabal / The Lexicon CAE
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: prince2.zip
File size: 16.08 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am