Pyrotechnica +7 byte patch trainer
Text file description:
t1o Product: PYROTECHNICA Release Time: 95-04-12 12.40 Company : PSYGNOSIS/SONY Mode : PMODE Released by : ECLIPSE This year : Number 8 Trainermaker : REPLICATOR Sound : GUS!,LameBlaster Traineroptions : +7 Other : Why 7Ch ???...WHY??? Trainer type : PATCH! :( Rating : Ok i guess [ Release Notes ] Pyrotechnica +7 Trainer - Visiting space? Don't leave earth without it! - Hintbook - * Unlimited Time : Unlimited usage of Point X5, Fire X5, Shield X5. * Force Field Off : The force field will always be deactivated. If you are a Misha/Infinity fan, feel free to use the ..... .... MISHA/INFINITY DECRYPTOR V1.0 coded just for fun by Jammer. Usage : DE-INF <FILENAME.EXT> [ Group News ] We need more trainermakers so if you want to join Wicked please contact Replicator or Jammer for more info. [ Wicked Members ] Jammer / Replicator / Leatherman / Tosh1O [ Wicked Boards ] BOARDNAME AFL SYSOP(S) ND CODE THE ICE BOX WHQTOSH10/JAMMER/PAGAN O2+46 CENTRAL STATION EHQ WiDGET 02+31 [ Personal Greetings ] Omnibuz : Where are you! [ Greetings ] * INFINITY * ECLIPSE * GENESIS * RAZOR 1911 * GRUDGE [ How to become totally WiCKED ] CALL THE ICE BOX AND LOGIN AS 'WICKED!' PW 'APPLY' AND LEAVE A MESSAGE TO JAMMER OR REPLICATOR -> WICKED EMAIL : JEDSV94@HERMES.HV.SE <- [ Remember, if you like this software - spread it! ]
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: ao.zip
File size: 6.9 KB
Mime type: First entry not deflated or stored -- use unzip compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am