Sniper: Ghost Warrior (+15 Trainer) [iNSANiTY]
Text file description:
iii N N SSSSSSSSS A N N iii TTTTTTTTT Y Y iii N N N S A A N N N iii T Y Y N N N S A A N N N T Y iii N N N SSSSSSSSS A A N N N iii T Y iii N N N S AAAAAAAAA N N N iii T Y iii N N N S A A N N N iii T Y iii N N SSSSSSSSS A A N N iii T Y Releaser: Hamadah Supplier: iNSANiTY Game: Sniper: Ghost Warrior Version: 1.0 Type: Trainer Options: 15 Date: 25-7-2010 [OPTIONS] 1) NumPad1 - Unlimited Health 2) NumPad2 - Easy Kills 3) NumPad3 - Unlimited Ammo 4) NumPad4 - No Reload 5) NumPad5 - Steady Sniper Shots 6) NumPad6 - Unlimited Medkits 7) NumPad7 - Unlimited Stamina 8) NumPad8 - Become Invisible 9) NumPad9 - Unlimited Slowdown 10) NumPad / - Maximum Accuracy 11) NumPad * - Super Speed 12) NumPad - - Slow Enemies 13) NumPad + - Freeze Enemies 14) NumPad 0 - Super Jumps 15) Home - Save Current Position End - Load Saved Position [NOTES] -when using the Unlimited Ammo option, you just need to reload for the option to take effect. -the Maximum Accuracy option will work with pistols, knife, etc... It has nothing to do with snipers. -these two options cannot be turned on at the same time: Slow Enemies and Freeze Enemies. For example: you're using Slow Enemies; if you press NumPad +, Slow Enemies automatically gets turned off and Freeze Enemies gets turned on. [Greetings] Greetz fly to CJB, HonestGamer, Psych, STN, KEMiCZA, and others! ;)
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 115.25 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
July 28, 2010 - 12:00pm