Starcraft: Brood War v1.13 (+5 Trainer)
Text file description:
-- STARCRAFT BROODWAR v1.13 TRAINER -- -- BY D3PHOENIX -- -- MSN: D3PHOENIX@HOTMAIL.COM -- -- AIM: D3PHOENIX -- -- WRITTEN IN VISUAL BASIC 6.0 -- *** SOFTWARE AGREEMENT STUFF *** This program is Freeware. It may be freely distributed in its original, unmodified form as long as this text is included with it. (if you P2P it, please leave it zipped) Feel free to hack it with TrainerSpy or whatever. I really don't care. If it helps you, fine. Just give me credit; that's all I ask. Source code availible by E-Mail to the above address -- Subject: "StarCraft Trainer Source Code Request" -- Include a little info as to why you want it and a little about yourself and I'd be glad to give it to you. Send a modified copy back -- I'd be glad to see how you can make it better! (and please try to write sensibly, I *despise* "forum-ese") *** DISCLAIMER / LEGAL STUFF *** LONG VERSION: I am in no way responsible for the consequences of your use of this trainer. This includes Blizzard's banning of you or your CD Key from Battle.NET, or any other punishment for online cheating. *I DO NOT CONDONE MULTIPLAYER HACKING / TRAINERS* DO NOT USE THIS ON BATTLE.NET OR YOUR CD KEY COULD BE VOIDED! Who of you LIKES fighting a WIMP online, too lazy to actually try to improve, and too immature to admit that somebody else is better, WHO THEN GOES AND CHEATS? Not fair, not fun. It is the death knell of online gaming arenas. By using this software you agree to accept full liablility for any of the associated consequences. This trainer was designed for use with Blizzard's StarCraft BroodWar version 1.13. It is not intended for use with any other version, and may not (probably will not) function with any other version. You are welcome to try at your own risk. And of course, as you knew was coming, I will now say that I am in NO WAY responsible for any hardware or software problems caused by the use of this trainer. It is provided AS-IS and I offer NO TECHNICAL SUPPORT. SHORT VERSION: You can't sue me if you screw something up with this software. Using it on Battlenet would be plain stupid. *** PURPOSE AND INTRODUCTION *** My primary motivation for writing this, my very first trainer, was the fact that I could not find a simple Brood War trainer that would allow for infinite units (or at least, one that would work with v1.13 that included the feature) It was also completed as an expiriment, as I've used many trainers, and always thought writing one could be interesting. It was. And fun. And I shall do it again, I think. (I've got plans for a much more advanced trainer than this, one that would include such things as turning one unit into another, placing new units during gameplay, killing enemies, toggling stats like detector / parisite / blind, changing a unit's weapons (AKA, factories that can shoot each other with nukes :D !! ) and increasing the size of selection groups (CTL + # Key) from a max of 12 to 100 - it'd help with the massive numbers that this one allows) So many ideas, so little time to work on it. Maybe next summer. I used the following tools to create SCBW_Train: TSearch 1.6b by Corsica Productions RamCheat 1.21 by Stefan Fleischmann Visual Basic 6 BroodWar v1.13 (Obviously) A Calculator with pencil and paper (believe it or not ;) Run the included batch file ("Install Starcraft Font") before running the trainer, unless you have already downloaded the included font. It makes the heading turn to StarCraft style text, and you can use the font in word processing programs, too. ***NOTE: I don't remember where I got this font, but when viewed in font viewer, it says (C) 2000 by "Neale Davidson" -- just wanted to give credit where credit is due. *** FUNCTIONALITY *** This trainer will allow you to do two main things: Change your Resource counts, and change your current population count. It also has features to lock the values in place, in effect giving you infinite units/resources. Be careful, the game WILL CRASH if you exceed something like 32,767 units/buildings. And at about 20,000 a P2 233MHz with 64MB of ram was doing something like 1/3rd of a frame per second -- you have been warned, and we now know the reasons for the original 200 supply unit maximum. *** TROUBLESHOOTING / COMPATIBILITY *** Any of you Commanders/Cerebrates/Executors out there that run that aincent PII Windows 9X clunker set up specifically for crushing the opposition at 3AM might need to (a) get a life away from starcraft (fat chance) or (b) give my trainer a nudge. Since this was written in Visual Basic, 9x users need to get the VB runtime files (if you have one of the MS office suites, you may already have these files. try running the trainer first to see if it complains about missing DLL's or OCX's) You can get these files by searching Microsoft.com for "VBRUN60SP3.EXE" This 1MB installer has everything you need. (I expect no more than 1% of users will need this) And to those of you running Starcraft in WINE under linux: You very well may be screwed. I haven't heard of a way for VB trainers to work under WINE with any reliablility. Some work and others simply don't. Try it and see, but no guarantees. OR, if desparate, dual-boot your PC with an old copy of W98. Another option would be to buy a Pentium 2 233 for 30 bucks on EBay. *********************************** REMEMBER: ANY GAME WORTH PLAYING IS WORTH BUYING. I EXPECT YOU TO OWN THE COPY OF SC WITH WHICH YOU USE THIS TRAINER. GIVE THE HARD-WORKING ARTISTS AND DEVELOPERS THEIR DUE. WITHOUT THEM, THERE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN A GAME TO TRAIN. *********************************** Happy gaming, D3PHOENIX ======================================== Good SC sites: http://www.blizzard.com/starcraft http://www.starcraft.org http://www.sclegacy.com http://starcraft.strategy-gaming.com http://www.scindex.com ======================================== Other Games: ======================================== Descent 1, 2 & 3: http://www.PlanetDescent.com http://archives.descent.cx/index.html ======================================== Spyware-Free P2P: ======================================== www.shareaza.com (I shouldn't have to tell you to USE IT LEGALLY!!) ========================================
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 34.16 KB
Mime type: text/x-msdos-batch; charset=us-ascii compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
August 6, 2005 - 9:00pm