Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (+10 Trainer)
Text file description:
[PiZZADOX] . .. p r o u d l y p r e s e n t s .. . * Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles PLUS 10 TRAINER (C) PiZZADOX * Release Date .....: 12-03-03 Disks .....: 01 x 5.00mb Release Type .....: Trainer Options ...: Plus 10 [ R e l e a s e N o t e s ] Unzip/Unrar trainer into your game directory, then start trainer with "pztrain.exe", and finally start the game. During gameplay toggle trainer options by pressing the following key combinations: Enable Disable Option F1 Toggle Infinite Health F2 Toggle Infinite Ammo F3 Toggle Infinite Lives F4 Toggle One Hit Kills F5 Slay An Enemy F6 Freeze An Enemy (This Will Work On Any Enemy In The Area - Even If They're Already Frozen. It May Seem Like It Is Not Working At Times But It Is Simply Re-freezing An Already Frozen Enemy) F7 Toggle Enable Gembu Mode F8 Toggle Unlimited Gembu Usage F9 Toggle Freeze Timers F10 Toggle All Dojo Items F12 Toggle Freeze Timer NOTE: A FEW WORDS We hope you will all appreciate the time and effort that Spookie has taken to produce this outstanding trainer which, besides providing improved useful trainer options, also takes advantage of advanced techniques to hook into the game display routines, resulting in what is also known as an in-game trainer menu. You can now at all times keep track of what options are available to you. This is just another testimony of Team PiZZA's dedicated commitment to the scene, bringing you always ONLY fully quality tested releases to enhance your gaming experience. PiZZA wish the best to the competition, lets just hope they can keep up! ;) A FEW POINTS We would like to point out that this game really didnt require a huge trainer in order to complete the varied missions within the game, so our initial +3 release was quite sufficient. The reason for this re-release is that DEVIANCE thought it would be a good idea to release a trainer with more options (they did two more options on top of our existing three options). We admit that our trainer was an easy target for lazy trainer-makers just looking into doing an easy PROPER in this way. However they did not do a good job on this relatively simple trainer even four days after our trainer was released: 1) Enabling the "One Hit Kill" option without also enabling the "Infinite Health" option, gives the enemy the SAME advantage and thus, enables them to kill YOU with 1 hit(!) 2) "Infinite Ammo" only works for normal ninja stars, other types of ninja stars are ignored and still decrease (notice that our original +3 trainer already gave you unlimited ninja stars of all kinds, so basically the DEVIANCE trainer downgraded this option) This is the reasons behind our re-release, perhaps next time people will understand that PiZZA have the skill to produce large trainers but prefer to stick to basics with a strict time line. Thanks for your time reading this, aswell as using our releases, /Team PiZZADOX If you can not, or do not want to respect our work, then do NOT bother posting this info on your site without proper credit where due. " You Get Nothing And You Become Nothing " [ G r e e t i n g s ] PiZZADOX gives away cold beer and fresh PiZZA to our KNOWN friends in PiZZA - FAiRLIGHT - DEViANCE - GiMPSRUS - OUTCAST * B E C A U S E W E C A N * [01-01-03][nfo by nmls]
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 67.4 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
December 5, 2003 - 9:00pm