Tom and Jerry in Fists of Furry (+2 Trainer)
Text file description:
bART- BAFH P i R A T E S O N D O P E PRESENTS: Tom & Jerry In Fists of Furry +2 Trainer (c) POD supplier: TEAM POD packer: TEAM POD cracker: TEAM POD game genre: - release date: 25.06.2002 release size: 01 * 1.44Mb protection: N/A requirements: Tom.and.Jerry.in.Fists.of. Furry-MYTH RELEASE NOTES You might have seen a trainer of this game already released by iNFECTED, with a 'Unlimited Time' option. Who wants a trainer for a game where you can already go in the options, and turn the time off. Makes the trainer kinda useless... ;) Press: 1 : Unlimited Health 2 : Unlimited Continues RiPPER NOTES INSTALL NOTES: 1. UnZip, then UnRar to game dir 2. Run trainer, then run game as usual 3. Look at release notes above for trainer usage 4. Enjoy another POD release 5. Read this NFO properly! GROUP NOTES POD is a release group consisting of dedicated and experienced scenemembers from old name QLiMAX. We are allways looking for talented peoples, so please check below if you want to contribute. We're looking for the right peoples to do the following: - Supply unreleased pc/linux games/apps - Coders (c/c++/asm/delphi) - Code game trainers working on Win9x/2k/XP systems - Crack protections (CDilla1/2, VB, SecuROM, LaserLok etc) - Supply PC hardware for members - Supply a T2+ unix box for private usage - Supply T1+ legal shells for irc-bnc usage - PC addon/game rippers on DSL/Cable connection - Card hardware/software or anything else of interest *** We are allso looking for US HQ's *** You will get rewarded for the contribution with leech to 0DAY/GAMES/UTILS/CLONE-CD/SVCD/VCD/DIVX/TV-RIPS/PS2-DVD/DC MP3/PSX/PS2/GBA/PDA/E-BOOKS/XBOX/MUSIC VIDS/ANIME/XXX CONTACT iNFORMATiON If u think u can help us, contact us at: IRC: n/a WWW: n/a E-m: pod@sathack.com NOTE: ***** WE DO NOT SEND MISSING FILES WE DO NOT DO TECHNICAL SUPPORT WE DO NOT WANT ANY WEB SITES WE DO NOT TELL YOU WHERE TO DOWNLOAD WAREZ GREETS CLASS.iNSiGHT.NFOrce.iNFECTED iVEiSO.PiZZA.SEiZE.EyM.AOD -- Ascii done by bART- from #BAFH (c) 2002! Last updated on: 28/04/2002 Do you play this game? Buy It! Support the software companies.
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 85.58 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
June 28, 2002 - 9:00pm