Tomb Raider 3 trainer
Text file description:
A!B DF2 oOo WARez RIng ORganization oOo Tomb Raider 3 trainer Trainer....: Ipex Release Date..: Nov 22nd 1998 Supplier...: - Oper. System..: Windows 95/98 Stripper...: - Protection....: - Packager...: Ipex Game Type.....: Trainer # of disk..: 1 Language......: English Req.: Tomb Raider 3 Class release oOo Release Notes oOo Here is a trainer for the game Tomb Raider 3 This trainer fixes your inventory, it gives you unlimited stuff medcits, flares, granades and so on Enjoy this little trainer and expect much more from us soon... oOo Install Notes oOo Extract the file into the dir of your choice (u don't have to extract it into the same dir as the game). Be sure to launch the game BEFORE running the trainer. Now launch the trainer (use ALT-TAB to switch from the game to Windows and double click on the trainer to start it) and choose the keys u want to assign for each options (u don't have to assign a key for every option...just do it for the options u want to use). Be sure to select keys that are not already used by the game (F2, F3 or F4 are a good choice). Then switch back to the game and there u go. Note: U only need to press the key once at the start of each level to activate the trainer. To turn it off, just press the same key again... Be sure to use the key for the appropriate level each time, or some weird things might occur. Also, be sure to desactivate the option as soon u've finished a level for the same reason... That's it...enjoy! oOo Group News oOo First of all, i'd like to say that our channel (#Warrior, on efnet) is open again to the public. So, feel free to join us if u have any questions, remarks, problems...or if u simply wanna chat with some cool guyz. But OUR CHANNEL IS NOT A TRADING CHANNEL, so don't bug us to get sites or missing files from other groups. Second, for those of u who can't access IRC or EFNET, we have a new email: WARRIOR_SUPPRT@HOTMAIL.COM Again, if u have any questions, problems...mail us, but DON'T ASK FOR MISSING FILES, cause we won't answer. The only requests we might fill are TRAINERS and SMALL FILES (fixes, patches). Last but not least, don't forget to check our web page at: http://welcome.to/warrior=hq/ for the latest news about WARRIOR and our releases. oOo Founders oOo CIAN & KAISER SOZE oOo President oOo KAISER SOZE oOo Vice President oOo TOOHIP oOo Members oOo BEW, BLAS, CIAN, CK, DEBBER, DJ_REAPER, DRIVR,GAG, GENESIS^P, HYJINX, HYPOCRISY, INSANITY, IPEX, JR, KAISER SOZE, MAESTRO, MALNUT, NEWAGE, RAGGER, SARGON3, SDUCK, SIBANNIC, STALPAL, TOOHIP ZER0COOL, [C0BRA], [REM], [WiN-VD2] oOo Greetings oOo Groups....: BACKLASH, GWB, HYBRID, MAFIA, PARADIGM, RAZOR 1911, TRG & UCF. Personal..: AMAZON, ASTRAL, CADABER, CAFFEINEMAN, CAROL, CHE, CHRISTO, DANNO-1, DOPEHAT, FANTOME, FlEbBhUe, GAG, GLACIER, GOD-EMPEROR, JUDGE, KELT, KJKOOL, LEEKS, MORDREK, OFFICEDOG, PHATBOY, PIPO, RICK, RIZZ, SAMADHI, SANDMAN, SMOKE, SONNY, STUPID, SUPER DOGFIGHTER, TOAST, ULTIMO7, WIN-VD2, ZOLLA, [BEEP] & [D]RAAD oOo Sites oOo Site Name............... SiteOp............ Speed........ Position........ NED..................... BLAS.............. T3 Warrior W Hq Coley................... Coley............. T3+ ......... Warrior U.K Hq AV...................... MASTERSAN......... T3 ......... Warrior C Hq CIAN.................... CIAN.............. T1+ ......... Warrior N.A. Hq BEW..................... BEW............... T1+ ......... Warrior Euro Hq NEWAGE.................. NEWAGE............ T3+ ......... Member HYPOCRISY............... HYPOCRISY..........T3+ ......... Member THE BLACK LOTUS......... DEBBER............ T1+ ......... Member MAESTRO..................MAESTRO............T1+ ......... Member THE HUNCHBACK........... NICK.............. T1+ ......... Member WG-1.................... jR................ Cable ....... Member THE EIGHT ARMY.......... SARGON3........... Cable ....... Member APPLY NOW............... APPLY NOW......... T3+ ......... ??? APPLY NOW............... APPLY NOW......... T3+ ......... ??? APPLY NOW............... APPLY NOW......... T3+ ......... ??? oOo Contact Warrior oOo Interested in joining us? Here's how: iRC EFnet..: #Warrior. ICQ........: Kaiser Soze (2074378) Via Email..: Warrior@hotmail.com. WWW........: http://welcome.to/Warrior=HQ We are currently looking for suppliers, crackers & sysops, but NOT for couriers, so don't bother to ask... ASCii header and layout updated by...................... Antibody/Defacto2 Warrior nfo last updated 21-Nov-1998 by....................... ........Ipex ********************************************************** *This File was leeched off The Cheat Compendium @ DLH.NET* * check out http://dlh.net * ********************************************************** This trainer has been verified and it 'works'. If you find any difficulties please refer to the documentation that comes with the trainer (if there is any) or it must be due to the version differences of the game that was used for creating this trainer and the version you are using. --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: tombraider3.zip
File size: 145.58 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am