The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer (Cheat Enabler)
Text file description:
m0/CRO iRRM PROUDLY PRESENTS The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer (c) THQ HAPPY NEW YEAR! We at iRRM would like to wish you all a happy new 2006. It's not 2006 here yet, but in some hours it will be :) Greets to the competition out there, aSx, PiZZA, TNT, AGES, DVN, DVN, RiTUEL, VACE, and everyone else in the Dox and Ripgame-scene, except for JuNGLeFeVeR. 2005's been a blast and we hope you all will follow us into 2006! Cheers to you all! Release Info Date ....... : 2005-12-31 Options .... : 9 Hotkey ..... : Function F3 ........ : Gives Player 1 1,000 XP F4 ........ : Gives Player 2 1,000 XP F5 ........ : Gives Player 1 10,000 XP F6 ........ : Gives Player 2 10,000 XP F7 ........ : Toggle infinite health for both players F8 ........ : Toggle "Super XP-gain" (you gain xp much faster) F9 ........ : Gives Player 1 3 super-moves F10 ........ : Gives Player 2 3 super-moves F11 ........ : Freeze/Unfreeze both players super-moves F12 ........ : Quit the trainer Release notes Pretty good game for being kiddie actually. Now for the trainer, there are in fact 9 options in this trainer, however the "give xp" -options must be counted as the same, for instance "P1 1,000 xp" & "P1 10,000 xp" is counted as one "Plus". By the way, the super-move options might not change the graphic, so that by the looks it looks like you still have 0 super-moves even though you used the "get 3 super-moves"-option. In fact you have gained 3 super-moves, just that the graphic does not follow. Really, you could count this trainer as a Plus 5, since there are seperated options for different players. But since the patches differ and some people may just want one player to "cheat", we chose to make the trainer this way. Enjoy! =) PS. 27500 xp is maximum. Terminology Here are a short terminology of the words we use in our trainers. Other groups may use these words otherwise, but this is how we do. Infinite ... : The value can increase but not decrease Unlimited .. : The value can neither increase nor decrease, the difference between Unlimited and Freeze is that in Unlimited the value is pushed up, so that it stops above zero for instance, eg. if you have low health and use Unlimited Health, it will be put at 100% and stopped there. Freeze ..... : Freezes the value/function so it cannot change Unfreeze ... : Unfreezes the value/function so it can change again Game Info Genre ...... : Action/Adventure System Reqs. : Windows Install Info 1. UnRAR to any directory. 2. Run iRRM_tIRotU_Trainer.exe 3. Read and then click OK. 4. Start the game. 5. Use the hotkeys to activate the functions. 6. Enjoy this fine trainer! Contact We are looking for: - Talented coders (preferably C, C++, ASM or Delphi). - 30Mbps+ sites for affilation. Hit us up on IRC or by email: irrm [at] hush [dot] ai Whores n beer are always welcome too.. cheers! Thanks to m0 for the great ascii! ASCII: m0/CRO
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 16.33 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 1, 2006 - 9:00pm