- PC
Game Cheats:
Unlock Tyrant Blade:
This weapon can be got from the Orc Thrax Ironhide in the Marsh. He has 7,500 life. An army of 3 can defeat him.
Unlock Draconian Wings and Weapons:
These are rare and each one is different for each Draconian.
Unlock Draconian Water Blade (Water):
Defeat them 3 times.
Unlock Iron Draconian Sword (Purple):
Defeat them 4 times.
Unlock Venom Draconian Blade (Venom):
Defeat them 5 times.
Unlock Golden Draconian Sword (Golden):
Defeat them about 6 times.
Unlock Draconian Wings (colors optional for each one):
Defeat them about 7 times.
Non Member Items:
The following items can be obtained if you are not a member.
Vampire Emissary:
Get rank 6 Vampire and buy it from Brysin.
Blade of Twilight:
Get rank 6 Lycan and buy it from Faopaw.
Wave Cutter:
Drops from Sharbait in Lolosia or buy it in the Pirate shop.
Buy it from Warlic's Robe shop in battleontown.
Buy it at the Swordhaven blacksmith.
Staff of Imp Fire:
Drops from Fire Elemental in Bludrut2.
Wolf Warrior Blade:
Get rank 3 Vampire and buy it from Brysin.
Vamparic Gladius:
Get rank 6 Vampire and buy it from Brysin.
Sliding Movement Glitch:
To perform this glitch click a location and as your character runs to it select 'Rest' making your character slide and stop there. You can also click another location while sliding to continue moving in a sliding position.
Repeating Quests Fast Glitch:
To perform this glitch get a quest and leave the quest window open. Complete the quest and get your reward and you will be able to repeat the quest from the open window while remaining at the quest location.
Changing Alignment:
Go to Battleon and click on 'Story', then go to 'Witch' in Chapter 1 and walk through the inside of the castle to King Alteon's room. Talk to King Alteon and watch the cinematic and you will be given the choice to become either good or evil.
Private Server:
To access the private server go to any server (Twilly, Galanoth, Cysero, etc.) and then type '/join' and the place where you want to go and '-9000' at the end (example '/join dwakel-9000').
Type '/join battleon-9000'
Type '/join noobshire-9000'
Yulgar's Inn:
Type '/join yulgar-9000'
Trainers' Room:
Type '/join trainers-9000'
Type '/join invasion-9000'
Bludrut Keep (Floor 1):
Type '/join bludrut-9000'
Bludrut Keep (Floor 2):
Type '/join bludrut2-9000'
Type '/join sewer-9000'
Vaskalar's Lair:
Type '/join lair-9000'
Type '/join tutor-9000'
Type '/join pirate-9000'
Dwakel's Crash Site:
Type '/join dwakel-9000'
Type '/join river-9000'
Type '/join forest-9000'
Guru Forest:
Type '/join guru-9000'
Farm House:
Type '/join farm-9000'
Path to the Orc Town:
Type '/join orcpath-9000'
Member Armour and Weapons:
If you are a member you can get the following armour and weapons at the trainers for the indicated amount of Gold.
Unlock Acolyte Class:
Buy for 5,000 Gold at the trainers.
Unlock Sorcerer Class:
Buy for 5,000 Gold at the trainers.
Unlock Warlord Class:
Buy for 5,000 Gold at the trainers.
Unlock Renegade Class:
Buy for 5,000 Gold at the trainers.
Unlock Metrea's Disciple:
Buy for 10,000 Gold at the trainers.
Unlock Juvania's Disciple:
Buy for 10,000 Gold at the trainers.
Unlock Thok's Disciple:
Buy for 10,000 Gold at the trainers.
Unlock Arcana's Disciple:
Buy for 10,000 Gold at the trainers.
Items for Non Members:
You can get the following items even if you are not a member, some of them though are difficult to obtain.
Unlock Vampire Emissary:
Get rank 6 Vampire and buy it from Brysin.
Unlock Blade of Twilight:
Get rank 6 Lycan and buy it from Faopaw.
Unlock ReignBringer:
Buy it at the Swordhaven blacksmith.
Unlock Staff of Imp Fire:
Drops from Fire Elemental in Bludrut2.
Unlock Wolf Warrior Blade:
Get rank 3 Vampire and buy it from Brysin.
Unlock Vamparic Gladius:
Get rank 6 Vampire and buy it from Brysin.
Unlock Wave Cutter:
Drops from Sharbait in Lolosia or buy it in the Pirate shop.
Unlock Zephyr:
Buy it from Warlic's Robe shop in Battleontown.
Blade of Twilight and Zephyr:
These items can be purchased at the indicated location.
Unlock Blade Of Twilight:
Get rank 6 Lycan and buy it from Faopaw.
Unlock Zephyr:
Buy it from Warlic's Robe shop in Battleontown.
Unlock Draconian Wings and Weapons:
These are rare and each one is different for each Draconian.
Unlock Draconian Water Blade (Water):
Defeat them 3 times.
Unlock Iron Draconian Sword (Purple):
Defeat them 4 times.
Unlock Venom Draconian Blade (Venom):
Defeat them 5 times.
Unlock Golden Draconian Sword (Golden):
Defeat them about 6 times.
Unlock Draconian Wings (colors optional for each one):
Defeat them about 7 times.
Unlock Classes:
To obtain the following classes you must first complete the corresponding task.
No Class:
Buy at the seasons shop in Battleon Square for 2 Gold.
Buy at trainers for 1,000 Gold.
Buy at trainers for 1,000 Gold.
Buy at trainers for 1,000 Gold.
Buy at trainers for 1,000 Gold.
Bye at trainers from girl in white on the right.
Bye at trainers from the only boy there.
Buy at trainers from the first girl on the left.
Buy at trainers from second girl on the left.
Same as healer 15,000 Gold.
Same as healer 15,000 Gold.
Finish ALL of the nnja trainers quest just out side of noobshire to open shop.
Keep defeeting Mithril man on crash site.
Keep defeeting protoatorium on crash site.
Do the last quest on crashsite.
Dragon Slayer:
Finish ALL of galanoths quests.
Beast warrior:
Buy in upgrade shop.
Buy in upgrade shop.
Finish ALL the quests at Lolosia to open shop.
Buy from Artix at the inn at Swordhaven, you must have level 10 healer and level 10 warrior.
Unlock Pets:
When you complete the following tasks the corresponding pet will become unlocked.
Unlock Dinozard:
Go to the Frogzard Hunter, click 'Dinozard Island' and complete the quest.
Unlock Gatta:
Found at Gatta Island.
Unlock Light wolf:
Go to werewolf lair at Darkovia Forest and find the yellow wolf.
Unlock Permafrost:
Keep battling monsters until you face Lord Arrgthas then defeat him.
Unlock Random Wild Animals:
Keep battling at the 'Battle Monsters' sign until you end up with a crate.
Unlock Shark:
Purchase Feral Garb at Dark Jungle.
Unlock Thunder Kitten:
Complete the quest at Thunder Mountain.
Unlock Truffle:
Purchase at Aria's shop.
Unlock Items, Pets and Weapons:
When you complete the indicated task you will be rewarded with the corresponding item, pet, or weapon.
Unlock Black Wolf:
Finish ALL
Unlock Bone Axe:
Defeat Jack Sprat.
Unlock Box Guardian Blade:
Defeat Box Guardians.
Unlock Brown Wolf:
Buy from Aria.
Unlock Carnax Blade:
Kill Carnax (for Guardian only).
Unlock Commander Sword:
Defeat Undead Commander.
Unlock Dark Crystal:
Buy from Aria.
Unlock Dark Wolf:
Do ALL of the Willow Creek quests.
Unlock Death Doll Pet:
Buy from Aria.
Unlock Dollar Staff:
Kill Sneevil.
Unlock Dragon Wings:
Kill each dragon seven times.
Unlock Dragonslayer Armor:
Do ALL of Ganloth's quests.
Unlock Dragonslayer Helm:
Buy from ganloth.
Unlock Dragonslayer Sword:
Buy from ganloth.
Unlock Elemental Rock Hammer:
Defeat the Rock Elemental.
Unlock Elite Blade:
Reach maximum level.
Unlock Fish Mace:
Defeat Fishman Soldier.
Unlock Giant Protector Blade:
Defeat Grizzle Pit.
Unlock Golden Phoenix:
Buy from Aria.
Unlock Grand Inquisitor Armor:
Unlock Grizzle Spits Sword:
Kill Grizzle Spits.
Unlock Hydra Blade:
Buy from blacksmith in Sword Haven.
Unlock Inquisitor Captain Short Polearm:
Defeat the captain at Citadel.
Unlock Inquisitor Guard's Spear:
Defeat the guards at Citadel.
Unlock Inquisitor's Guard Helm:
Defeat the guards at Citadel.
Unlock Light Staff:
Kill Red Dragon.
Unlock Morning Star:
Defeat Zardman Boss.
Unlock Orc Axe:
Defeat Orcs.
Unlock Paladin Armor:
Finish ALL.
Unlock Pet Parrot:
Buy from Yulgar.
Unlock Pet Spybot:
Do the third quest in Dwakel Crash Site.
Unlock Phoenix Blade:
Defeat Red Dragon
Unlock Platinum Axe of Destiny:
After the cinematic at '/join dragonfire', it will reward you with the item.
Unlock Plungerizer:
Found at Rip In The Sky.
Unlock Primitive Stonehead Spear:
Kill Zardman Hunter.
Unlock Protosartorium Armor:
Unlock Red Dragon Pet:
Buy from Ganloth.
Unlock Red Dragon Wings:
Buy from Ganloth.
Unlock Red Paladin:
Finish ALL, and a shop will open.
Unlock Reign Bringer:
Buy it at the Swordhaven blacksmith.
Unlock Rogue:
Buy from trainer rogue.
Unlock Skeleton Hand:
Defeat Skeleton Warriors.
Unlock Skeleton Hand:
Kill Skeleton Warriors.
Unlock Soul Scythe:
Defeat Soulseeker
Unlock Staff Of Imp Fire:
Defeat Fire Elemental in Bludrut2.
Unlock Templar Helm Of Light:
Defeat Red Dragon.
Unlock Trident:
Defeat Fishman Soldier.
Unlock Turkey Head:
Defeat Turdraken.
Unlock Turkey Tail Feathers:
Defeat Turdraken.
Unlock Undead Plague Spear:
Defeat Jack Sprat.
Unlock Vamparic Gladius:
Get rank 6 Vampire and buy it from Brysin.
Unlock Vampire Emissary:
Get rank 6 Vampire and buy it from Brysin.
Unlock Violet Sphere:
Unlock Warrior:
Buy from trainer warrior.
Unlock Water Draconian Sword:
Defeat Water Draconian.
Unlock Water Draconian Wings:
Defeat Water Draconian.
Unlock Wave Cutter:
Defeat Sharbait in Lolosia or buy it in the Pirate shop.
Unlock Wave Cutter:
Defeat Sharkbait.
Unlock Wolf Warrior Blade:
Get rank 3 Vampire and buy it from Brysin.
Zardman Stone Hammer:
Defeat Zardman Grunt.
Greenguard Forest Bosses:
To reach the four bosses at Greenguard Forest enter the following case sensitive (without the quotes) command for the corresponding boss.
Greenguard Basilisk:
Type '/join trunk'
Green Dragon:
Type '/join greendragon'
Type '/join deathgazer'
Super Blob:
Type '/join well'
Type '/join' (case sensitive without the quotes) followed by one of the rooms listed below to travel to the corresponding area.
The following emotes can be performed by typing the corresponding case sensitive chat command.
Cheat Mode:
At the center of the BattleonTown area click on the exclamation mark above Valencia's head and select the 'Special Codes' option. Then enter one of the following case sensitive codes (without the quotes) to unlock the corresponding effect.
Unlock Thirteen1 Badger Helm:
Type 'Thirteen1'
Open 'Beckett's Shop':
Type 'Oicu812'
Easy Gold And Xp!!!
Go to the cave full of dragon warriors and team up with at least 4 other players and tell them to keep doing it until you have earned at least 10,000 gold!!!It will take a while!!!
Fast Money:
First you go to Swordhaven then you talk to Cleric Dawn. Do the quest fire gem and fight some fire mages. Then go to Battleon town square there you will find a girl sitting on a treasure chest talk to her then click GO NOW you will see her again talk to and press the button keep doing this every day to get quick and easy money.
Valencia Codes:
Dragon Khan Blade: "Dragonkhan8234280" (Free)
SkullWraith Blade: "oicu812" (10 Gold)
Badger Helmet: "thirteen1" (Free)
Valencia's Special Code items:
While in the middle of the "battleontown" area, click on the exclamation mark above Valencia's head then click on the "Special Codes" button. Obtain the folliwng items by entering the following codes in the code box:
Obtain Thirteen1 Badger Helm - Thirteen1
Open "Beckett's shop" - Oicu812
Open "Dragon Con Shop" - Dragonkhan8234280