- Nuon
Unlimited health
Go to the Main menu and HOLD L1 and press Y, X, Y, X, Y, B, Y, B
Get All Weapons
Go to the Main menu and HOLD L1 and press X, B, Down, Left, B, B, Y
Mission unlock
Go to the Main menu and HOLD L1 and press Down, Up, Left, Left, B, Right, Down, X
Get Daywalker Difficulty Setting
Go to the Main menu and HOLD L1 and press Left, B, Up, Down, X, B, A
Unlimited Range
Go to the Main menu and HOLD L1 and press Left, Down, Left, Down, Right,Up, Right, Up
Unlimited Ammo
Go to the Main menu and HOLD L1 and press Left, B, Right, X, Up, Y, Down, A
Make Friendly Beings Invincible - Works only on escort missions
Go to the Main menu and HOLD L1 and press X, B, Y, A, X, B, Y, A
get vampire whistler
first blow up a car which u find in an alley then go inside & u get vampire whistler
Submitted by unknown
September 9, 2002 - 3:36am