- Playstation 2
Easy money: While you are in the area where you can arm yourself, pick up as many items as possible swords, shields, helmets. Once you are unable to pick up anything else, go to the storage box and store the items you have. Then, go back and pick up the rest of the items and store them. If one of the other Gladiators picks up an item, just follow him around; he will eventually drop it. After you have picked up all items and stored them, leave the area. Then, go to the armory where you can buy and sell armor. You now can access the storage box and sell all the free items. Make sure to save the weapons you want to fight with. The weapons and shields only reappear after each fight. Completion bonuses: Gladiator: Go beyond Day 50: Homeland Greece: Homeland Rome: Nobleman: Soldier: Believe in Jupitor: Advance 10 levels: Get a Manica: |