Crash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's Rampage - Cheat Codes

Crash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's Rampage - Cheat Codes
Cheat Codes:
At the game mode screen, press L R to access the cheat code screen. Code:
CR4SH 100 wumpa fruit
G3CK0 200 wumpa fruit
C0FF33 500 wumpa fruit
C4M0 Gung Ho Bandicoot
CR3D1TS Alternate credits
SW1NGS3T Spyro Mini-game
STR4WB3RRY Bombs on R-button
PR3S3NTZ Turn game grey
TR4V1S Turn game grey
C0L1N Turn game orange
L4MPP0ST Turn game orange
WVMP4FR00T Turn game purple
WH1STL3 Mayan Jungle Card
PH0N3T4G Sewers Card
K1LL4Z Green pants