Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project - Cheat Codes

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project - Cheat Codes

Cheat Codes

While playing a game, press to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Cheat Code
All weapons and items give all
All weapons give ammo
Jet pack give jetpack
Force field give forcefield
10 nukes give nuke
Secret marked as found give secret
Extra life give life
Get All Keys give keys
Spawn extra babe give bomb
Unknown toggle rtimings
Display game statistics toggle rstats
Debug mode toggle gdebug
Camera can explore level camera camera
Return camera to normal camera player
Commit suicide kill
God mode toggle gpgod
Matrix-style pause pause
Display map information toggle gmapinfo

Other Cheat Method

Press to bring up the console then type in exec cheats.cfg and press ENTER to activate cheats

Now press a letter below

G - Get Everything
H - Max Ammo
J - Get Jetpack
F - Get Forcefield
L - 1 Extra Life
K - Self-Destruct
I - Invinicibility
P - Pause

Gives you a kill point

Type in give kill
Submitted by Lord Jedi