- PC
Easy level up: After you go through the Dark Rift you will be able to go back. After you finish off all the tasks and you have to go around the world, go back to the Dark Rift and go to the exit. You will see a large black Elooper which is stronger than Ramirez. Get into battle with it and automatically use Vyse's Skull Shield, Aika's Blocking Magic special, Drachma's Spirit Charge, and have Fina Focus. Repeat until you get the Prophecy crew special and use it. Keep doing this until it dies to get 7000 experience points. Finding Glacia: Finding Gordo's bar: Getting items from Ilchymis: Hidden artwork: Place either game disc in a PC compatible CD-ROM drive and open the "master01.bmp" file. Hidden audio: Pirate Isle: Extra money: Secret Aika FMV sequence: Secret specials: When Vyse has his own ship, he is able to look for 22 crew members but you need at least 5 to do this. When you get 48 spirit points in battle not ship battle, you can choose to use the Crew Special. It is the strongest in the game, depending what crew you have active -- they can heal you as well as attack the opponent. Velorium location: Debug mode Official Dreamcast Magazine demo version
002x: Beginning of mini-quest |