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Unlimited Money: Play the crane game and grab the two rupees by placing the crane's shadow on the upper left hand of the conveyer belt. Wait until the item you want is about halfway between the upper and lower right hand corners. You can go back and repeat the process. It's a lot better than stealing. Winning the Crane Game: Easier way to get to Animal Village: Get to the nightmare room on level two: Getting Rupees: How to Make a Missile: Level 2: The Genie has two phases. In phase one, the genie will start juggling a bunch of fireballs. This is your cue to get in the lower right hand corner. When he starts to throw them, run to the left across the room. By the time you get to the left side, he'll have thrown three. Move back right now. If you don't hesitate the fireballs won't touch you. Now, he'll retreat back to his bottle. Hit it with your sword to immobilize it. Now, pick it up with the power bracelet. Throw it at the wall. Then, the genie will start over with his fireballs. Repeat this process three times. Then the genie will be hopping mad Time for phase two. Now the genie will start to produce images of himself that start centering in on the middle of the screen. Equip yourself with the Sword and Roc's Feather. Stand right below the Genie. When the Genie becomes totally solid, jump and swing your sword. You'll jump over the fireball and damage him. Repeat this several times to put an end to the Genie. Link Aerobics: Lot's of Rupees: Money Saving Tip: Nightmare Key: Picture Spots: Piece of Heart at the Fishing Pond: Red or Blue shirt: Revenge of the Chickens: Saving Lives: Screen to screen warping: Secret Dungeon: Steal From Store 1: 1. Go to the item shop. It helps to save when the arrow is on the "Buy" icon. Save the game and exit. When you go back, the item should be in your inventory. Stealing: There is one minor setback from stealing. After you steal something from a store, all of the characters in the game will call you THIEF. If you steal from a shopkeeper you can never return. Doing so is a death sentence However, you can use this to advantage by choosing Save and Continue when the shopkeeper kills you. You can now re-enter the store and steal from it again. |