- Xbox 360
Pause gameplay and select the 'Extras' option. Then choose 'Enter Code' and input the following case-sensitive codes (without the quotes) to enable the corresponding effect.
Emmet (Lizard):
Enter 'uooaqy'
Larry The Barista:
Enter 'k7tdxj'
Mrs. Scratching Post:
Enter 'up7hjq'
Character Prices:
Below is a list of characters that can be purchased for the indicated amount of studs.
Astro Kitty: 200,000 studs.
Biznis Kitty: 150,000 studs.
Bruce Wayne: 50,000 studs.
Calamity Drone: 500,000 studs.
Calimity Drone: 500,000 studs.
Cardio Carrie: 10,000 studs.
Caveman: 100,000 studs.
Cleopatra: 150,000 studs.
Demolition Guy: 50,000 studs.
Deputron: 150,000 studs.
Dr. McScrubs: 10,000 studs.
El Macho Wrestler: 100,000 studs.
Emmet (Clown): 50,000 studs.
Emmet (Lego Piece): 50,000 studs.
Emmet (Pyjamas): 50,000 studs.
Emmet (Shower): 50,000 studs.
Emmet (Surgeon): 50,000 studs.
Emmet (Trash Can): 50,000 studs.
Emmet (Woodsman): 50,000 studs.
Executive Ellen: 10,000 studs.
FemBot: 150,000 studs.
Frank the Foreman: 25,000 studs.
Gallant Guard: 50,000 studs.
Garbageman Grant: 10,000 studs.
Good Cop (Scribble Face): 300,000 studs.
Gordon Zola: 10,000 studs.
Green Ninja: 250,000 studs.
Hank Haystacks: 25,000 studs.
Hot Tub Harry: 50,000 studs.
Ice Cream Jo: 10,000 studs.
Ice Cream Mike: 10,000 studs.
Kabob Bob: 10,000 studs.
Lady Liberty: 150,000 studs.
Lord Business (Minifigure): 1,000,000 studs.
Lord Vampyre: 100,000 studs.
Ma Cop: 25,000 studs.
Magician: 100,000 studs.
MetalBeard (Minifigure): 250,000 studs.
Michelangelo: 100,000 studs.
Mummy: 100,000 studs.
Native: 100,000 studs.
Pa Cop: 25,000 studs.
Panda Guy: 150,000 studs.
Plumber Joe: 10,000 studs.
President Business: 1,000,000 studs.
Prospector: 25,000 studs.
Robo (Construction): 75,000 studs.
Robo (Demolition): 100,000 studs.
Robo Cowboy: 125,000 studs.
Robo Fed: 25,000 studs.
Robo Skeleton: 150,000 studs.
Robo SWAT (Armour): 125,000 studs.
Robo SWAT (Laser): 50,000 studs.
Robo SWAT (Rocket): 125,000 studs.
Robo SWAT: 50,000 studs.
Shakespear: 100,000 studs.
Sharon Shoehorn: 10,000 studs.
Sheriff-Not-A-Robot: 500,000 studs.
Sir Stack-a-Brick: 50,000 studs.
Taco Tuesday Guy: 10,000 studs.
Test Dummy: 100,000 studs.
Tomahawk: 150,000 studs.
Velma Staplebot: 50,000 studs.
Vitruvius (Ghost): 750,000 studs.
Where Are My Pant? Guy: 10,000 studs.
Wildstyle (Space): 75,000 studs.
Wiley Fusebot: 125,000 studs.
Witch: 150,000 studs.
Wyldstyle (Hood): 50,000 studs.
Yeti: 100,000 studs.
Special Content:
Next to the police station in Bricksbergind there is a floating 'kit' surrounded by studs. Walk up to it and enter the case-sensitive code '6LKMNDHR' (without the quotes).