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Save Drowning Pikmin
You can also save drowning Pikmin by continually calling the ones that are drowning with your whistle and they will eventually climb out and to safety.
Easiest Way To Defeat Large Enemies
Mature 100 red Pikmin and take them out with you on a killer rampage. Surround each enemy with all 100 red Pikmin and use the small joystick to keep the Pikmin behind the enemy to minimize Pikmin losses. Not only will that clear a path of safety, but also replenish/build up more Pikmins by taking back the dead enemy bodies for more seeds.
Challenge mode option
Save the game at any point to unlock a "Challenge Mode" option at the main menu. Select that option to replay previously completed sections in a time attack type scenario. The objective is to collect as many Pikmin as possible before nightfall.
Press Down to round up four Pikmin to carry you back to your base camp. A short fireworks display appear. This will also eventually happen if you stand idle.
Get more Pikmin
Note the color of the pellets when you have the Pikmin carry them to their "Onions." The destination that Pikmin will carry objects to depends on the members of the group. If there are more blue Pikmin than red Pikmin in the group, they will bring it to the blue hive. When the same color pellet is brought to the corresponding hive color it will produce more new Pikmin than if the colors does not match.
Invincible Captain Olimar
Press Down and Captain Olimar will lay down. He cannot be harmed in this position.
Captain Olimar's attack
If you have a small number of Pikmin and they die, you can still attack the enemy. Press A as if you were going to throwing a Pikmin. Instead, Captain Olimar will punch the enemy for minor damage. Note: This does not work on enemies such as the Armored Cannon Beetle and Beady Long Legs.
Get various colored Pikmin
You can get the Red Pikmin when you start the game Impact Site. You can get Yellow Pikmin when you get to the next area Forest Of Hope. You can get the Blue Pikmin in the third area Forest Navel.
Blue Pikmin
Blue Pikmin are amphibious. They can be on both land and water. They also can serve as lifeguards for drowning Pikmin Red or Yellow.
Purple Pikmin
If the Puffstool in the Forest Naval spores your Pikmin, they will become Purple and sprout a mushroom on their heads. They will run around, attacking you and nearby Pikmin. If you are out of it range it will be near the Puffstool. Note: The spores only last for awhile.
Flower Pikmin
When Flower Pikmin die, they leave a seed behind. It will sprout into a Leaf Pikmin the next day.
Faster Pikmin
If you have a single Pikmin that is slow, hold A. You will pick up your Pikmin and can run at the same speed you move without the Pikmin in your hands.
Keeping Pikmin safe
When your Pikmin are carrying things to the ship or Onion and get attacked, lay in front of the monster until they are safe. When collecting part number 1, your Pikmin can get caught in the engine and die. To keep them safe, throw your Pikmin on top of the part. Note: This does not work all the time.
At sunset any Pikmin not in their Onions will be eaten. However, if there are Pikmin in the landing zone or with Captain Olimar they will go to their Onions. Pikmin with Captain Olimar will be dismissed before he heads into his rocket.
Start with 24 flower Pikmin
At the start of the first day at the Impact Site, notice that you will have no time at the top. Feel free to get all the Pikmin you can into the Onion and then just wait, or run Omar around and practice moves. Because there is no time limit, wait until all your Pikmin grow to the flower stage. This gives you 24 free flower Pikmin to start the game.
Get three parts in one day
You need to go to the Forest Navel for the first time for this trick to work. To start the day, get the Blue Pikmin, then knock some of the flowers with the pellets down. Wait for the stealing bug to appear and let it grab the pellet. Then, shoot two Blue Pikmin and let them drag the pellet back to the Onion so that the bug gets injured. Repeat this until it dies. Next, get 15 Blue Pikmin to take it to the ship. Then, get 15 to 20 Red Pikmin and have them build the stick leading to the gear. After they are done, they should automatically grab the part. Wait until they fall down. If they are short, refill and put the rest back into the Onion. Next, get more Red Pikmin and kill the fire shooting things and take 30 Yellow Pikmin to build the bridge. When they are done, have them grab the part and have the Red Pikmin protect the Yellow Pikmin.
When you are trying to blow up walls with your Yellow Pikmin and have bombs remaining after the task is completed, keep them. They are very useful for killing enemies. Keep the Pikmin with the bombs away from the group. If a bomb explodes, your entire group may die. To use the Pikmin with the leftover bombs, simply throw them at the target and call them back. This will either injure or kill the enemy. If the enemy is not dead just call your group and finish it off.
Learning about enemies
Start a new day, then take out a few Pikmin. Take them directly to the enemy, and start fighting. If you encounter anything on your way to the enemy, this trick will not work. As soon as you start the fight, pause game play and select "Go to Sunset." If there is nothing else special about this day, Olimar's log entry will describe the enemy. After the log entry, at the title screen, choose "Don't Save" and then "Continue From Last Save" to avoid wasting a day. This does not always work, for example if this day was also your first day in a new area, you discovered a new color of Pikmin, or something similar.
Advanced throwing technique
This trick is very helpful in fighting Pearly Clamclamps and Emperor Bulblax. If you want to throw Pikmin very rapidly, to do a lot of damage, press A rapidly while also using the C-stick to make the Pikmin swarm around Olimar. There will always be a Pikmin handy for Olimar to throw every time you press A.
Winning battles
If you are in a battle and 50 of your Flower Pikmin die, run away and make your Pikmin feel alone. Then, take three Leaf Pikmin and put them in front of your enemy. Get the rest of your group and watch them die. Then, continue and your Flower Pikmin will most likely win. After throwing Pikmin at an enemy, simply "C-rush" with the rest of your Pikmin to finish it off. Most of the monsters have a small amount of life. Therefore, you can defeat them with Captain Olimar. Although some have more life, it just will take more time to defeat them. To do this, hit them, go to the back of the creature, hit them again, go to the front, and repeat.
Get carried to Onion
Press Down and Olimar will lay down. If he has any Pikmin with him, five of them will carry him to the Onion and the rest will stay behind.
Captain's logs
To see the pages where Olimar had written his discoveries, press Y on the area selection screen.
1 Ionium Jet
Get 15 to 20 Blue Pikmin and jump down to the to the river, so that you see the part. Gather the Pikmin and have them get the part. If you get lost, follow the Pikmin. They will know the way.
Analog Computer
Continuing from the Libra part, just get more Red and Blue Pikmin and proceed from the bridge up further. Have the Blue Pikmin to drag the part onto land. Then, have your Red Pikmin take the part back and the Blue Pikmin making the stick to water. Then, gather the Blue Pikmin from the river and go up the ramp to the Onions.
First, clear out the Spotty Bolborbs and their infants. Next, get 30 Red Pikmin and kill the beetle. Build the ramps and knock down the wall. Also, you need 50 Pikmin to grab the part. Next, there should be another door with ramps and a wall. Build the ramp and knock down the wall. If you already have not done so, blow up the wall leading to the ship. Grab the part and you will safe.
Geiger Counter
Blow up the wall, then get 100 Red Pikmin. Get rid of all the Bolborbs. Next, get your Blue Pikmin and have them push the box. After that, launch the Red Pikmin onto the ledge near the lake. Go onto the ramp the box was on and when you reach the plateau, there should be a bird. Run away from it and collect your Red Pikmin. Check where the star is on your map and walk near it. Another bird should appear. Shoot your Pikmin onto its head. Repeat this process until it is dead. If your Pikmin are going towards the bridge with the part where the box was on, stop them then kill the bird. However, if your Pikmin head to the edge everything is fine.
Gluon Drive
You need at least 90 Blue Pikmin. Have them kill the frog and bugs guarding the part Next, have them build the bridges connecting to the land. Before you grab the part, get rid of the monsters that are blocking the way. If you do not have a least 50 Pikmin, then get some more and send them to get the part back to the Dolphin.
Interstellar Radio
Get 30 to 40 Blue Pikmin and take them to the area with some attacking crabs and a blowing monster. Kill the crabs and launch the Pikmin onto the belly of the monster until the animal is killed. Then, send your Pikmin to get the part. You should have about 10 to 18 Pikmin remaining. Make sure they attack the monsters that threaten the convoy carrying the part.
To get the part that Captain Olimar's daughter gave him, get 30 to 40 Red Pikmin to knock down the wall and build the bridge. When they are done, take them to kill the fire shooting enemy. Next, take all but 15 to 20 Pikimin back to the Onion. Get 15 to 20 Yellow Pikmin and 5 Blue Pikmin and carefully take them to the floating island. Shoot the Yellow Pikmin onto the ledge and have the Blue Pikmin activate the geyser. On top of the ledge with the Yellow Pikmin, call them back and launch them to the part. They should bring the part down. Call them back and have the Red Pikmin grab the part. You should now be able to take the part back.
Get 60 to 80 Blue Pikmin and kill the frogs. After killing them, have your Pikmin grab the part. When they reach the shore, take them back to the Onion. Get 70 to 89 Red Pikmin and have them grab the part. Have the remaining Pikmin attack any monsters that threaten the Pikmin carrying the part.
Omega Stabilizer
Get 50 Red Pikmin, kill the Polly Wolliogs, and leave them there. Next, take on the enemy and punch it until it dies. Then, gather your Pikmin, have them grab the Stabilizer and take it back to the ship.
Position Generator
To get the part from the clam, get 30 to 40 Blue Pikmin and break down the wall. Next, dismiss them. Grab 10 of them and launch them to attack the inside of the clam. The clam should pull back the top of the shell to close it. Call your Pikmin back. Repeat this until you get the part Then, call back the rest of the Pikmin and take the part.
Radiation Canopy
Get as many Blue Pikmin to knock down the wall. Then, get about 80 to 90 Pikmin of any color Red recommended and shoot them up onto the nearby ledge. You now can do one of two things; confront the spider or distract the beetle while you Pikmin grab the canopy and take it back to the ship. The safest way is to confront the spider. After you kill the beetle, you can take the canopy back.
Shock Absorber
Get 35 to 40 Red Pikmin and take them to a ledge where you find a pellet with a "5" on it. Press the C-stick to launch them faster on the ledge. Once all the Pikmin are on there, you should see a pool of water with a root going from the land into the water. Walk up the root onto the land and avoid the Spotty Bolborb. Call your Pikimin, attack the beast, and kill it. You should now see the part. Have your Pikmin grab the part. Note: If you have extra Pikmin you can take the Bolborb back to the Onion to gain Pikmin.
Whimsical Radar
Find the Whimsical Radar in the Forest Of Hope and deliver it to the Dolphin. When sunset arrives, you will have your own radar. To access it, press Y and go to the results screen.
Parts list
There are only 25 parts that are needed to complete the game. The other parts are optional.
Main Engine
Positron Generator
Eternal Fuel Dynamo
Whimsical Radar
Extraordinary Bolt
Nova Blaster optional
Shock Absorber
Radiation Canopy
Geiger Counter
1 Ionium Jet
Automatic Gear
Gravity Jumper
Space Float optional
Guard Satellite
Analog Computer
Omega Stabilizer
Repair-Type Bolt
Massage Machine optional
Interstellar Radio
Gluon Drive
UV Lamp optional
Zirconium Roter
Pilot's Seat
Chronos Reactor
2 Ionuim Jet
Secret Safe optional
How to find parts quick Get radar
Submitted by ik