- PC
By gathering the number of Lums indicated below, you can unlock the corresponding costume.
2,000 - Sir Rayelot
5,000 - Teensy Ray
14,000 - Red Globox
20,000 - GlobTeen
40,000 - Raybox
55,000 - Teensy Queen
75,000 - Glombrox
100,000 - Teensy Wizard
130,000 - Raymesis
170,000 - Teensy Hermit
220,000 - Raymolk
280,000 - Ninja Teensy
350,000 - Globolk
440,000 - Flaming Teensy
500,000 - Poglox
750,000 - The First King
1,000,000 - Rayomz
May 9, 2014 - 9:51am