- Playstation 3
Unlock extra outfits:
First beat the game, then at the View Unlock screen press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, X.
Unlock Deathspank outfit:
First beat the game, then at the View Unlock screen press Up, Square, Down, Circle, Left, Triangle, Right, X.
The Wrong Guy (Bronze)
Objective: Defeat El Raton
The Meating (Bronze)
Objective: Defeat The Butcher
Scars from the past (Bronze)
Objective: Defeat Cassandra
Revenge is Sweet (Bronze)
Objective: Defeat Cesar
Just getting started (Bronze)
Objective: Take out 20 enemies
Making a name for yourself (Bronze)
Objective: Take out 100 enemies
Grindhouse (Bronze)
Objective: 100 Chainsw kills
And it continues (Silver)
Objective: Complete Single Player Campaign on Normal Mode
Backstory (Silver)
Objective: Complete Co-op Campaign Mode
Father forgive me... (Silver)
Objective: Defeat The Priest
Mow 'em Down (Silver)
Objective: Take out 1000 enemies
I'm just that good (Gold)
Objective: Complete Single Player Campaign on Hard Mode