- Xbox 360
A Wolf in Wolf's Clothing - Purchase the complete set of a fully upgraded outfit - 20
All Your Game Are Belong to Us - Acquire the Trials Trophy - 40
Bright-Eyed & Bushy-Tailed - Find all of the squirrels hidden within the first 8 Events - 50
Full Throttle III - Complete all 'Full Throttle' Track Challenges in the first 8 Events - 30
I Like What You've Done There - Post a time on another player's created track - 20
Is There Anything You Can't Do? - Completed every Track Challenge in the first 8 Events - 50
Leaving a Fine Lookin' Fossil - Hold a 'Proud Hero' pose to your demise, dressed in an Excavator outfit - 15
Quadratic - 0-fault Fusion Factory with the Quad Bike - 15
Scrooging Around - Earn 24 Gold medals - 20
That's Not Right! (secret) - Get run over by your own bike - 15
The Bike is Your Hula Hoop - Score 20,000 points from one jump on an FMX track - 10
The Fifth Key - Use the Track Editor to find and pick up the 'Fifth Key' in the Fusion world - 20
The Full Cavity Treatment - Complete all 3 Track Challenges on any track - 20
Through The Fires Of Hell - Complete Inferno IV - 30
Unyielding III - Complete all 'Unyielding' Track Challenges in the first 8 Events - 30
Wax On, Wax Off - Complete Training Program 2 - 15