Warhammer 40K: Armageddon

Warhammer 40K: Armageddon

Secret Words:
During gameplay press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C to enable the Secret Word entry screen and then enter the following secret words to activate the corresponding effect.

Change Player's Glory by Specified Amount (can be negative):
Type 'glory (number)'

Change Recruitment Points by Specified Amount (can be negative):
Type 'points (number)'

Change Unit Purchase Slots by Specified Amount (can be negative):
Type 'slots (number)'

End Current Scenario with Specified Outcome (0 for decisive victory, 1 for marginal victory, 2 for defeat):
Type 'endscn (number)'

Set a Unit's Experience Points to Specified Value:
Type 'exp (number)'

Set a Unit's strength to Specified Value:
Type 'str (number)'

Set Scenario Turn Count:
Type 'turns (number)'

Toggle Movement Speed Set to 50 for your Units:
Type 'turbo units'

Toggle View of ALL Unit Locations through Fog of War:
Type 'fog of war'

Toggles Zone of Control for your Units:
Type 'no zoc'