Counter-Strike 2D is a 2D Clone of the most famous Multiplayer Game ever: Counter-Strike by Valve Software. Its difference to the original game: It is completely transferred to 2 Dimensions!
[FIXED] Serverlist sorting bug with uppercase / lowercase letters
[FIXED] Blank/empty playernames were possible
[FIXED] Only CTs heared "Hostage has been rescued!" message
[FIXED] Skin selection security hole
[FIXED] Living teammates heared dead team chat
[FIXED] Displayed pings were imprecise and too high
[FIXED] Wrong rendering order of barricade ground
[FIXED] Func_DynWall did not kill hostages
[FIXED] Fire and gas did not injure hostages
[FIXED] Several spectating bugs
[FIXED] RPGs/Rockets flew too far sometimes (clientside in multiplayer games)
[CHANGED] Damage of all Pistols increased
[CHANGED] Penalty for killing team buildings + max 5 team buildings killable
[CHANGED] Info_CTF_Flag, Info_Dom_Point and Env_Breakable can now trigger entities
[CHANGED] Everyone can read dead chat in game modes with instant respawning
[CHANGED] Nobody receives radio messages in deathmatch mode
[CHANGED] You only hear your own "Fire in the Hole" message in deathmatch mode
[CHANGED] logs will now be saved in "sys/logs"-folder
[CHANGED] TKs with gas grenade or molotov cocktail are not counted as TK anymore
[CHANGED] Ingame menu button order changed (options/server settings/players & bans)
[ADDED] New commands / Settings
[ADDED] Builder and health of buildings will now be displayed
[ADDED] Buildings of own team can be repaired with wrench primary attack
[ADDED] Option to render Env_Sprite under or over players (like Env_Image)
[ADDED] Option to hide Env_Sprite if player uses nightvision googles
[ADDED] Player spawnmoney time limit (max every 15 sec, DM/TeamDM/Construction)
[ADDED] Adjustable respawn delay (0 sec by default)
[ADDED] Team option for trigger entities
[ADDED] Zoom function for spectating (rightclick)
[ADDED] Entity Info_NoBuildings
[ADDED] Entity Func_Message
[ADDED] Supply building (can be used with [E] by builder for supply selection)
[ADDED] Snowball
[ADDED] Air Strike
[ADDED] Mine
[ADDED] Basic HTML server stats with player ranking and traffic stats
[ADDED] IRC Chat (very basic)
[ADDED] Friends List (does NOT support chatting!)
File information
File name: cs2d_0109.zip
File size:
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