It's coming... find the tapes...
All seems calm. The multitude of towering trees sway in the breeze. The birds sing for you as if to create perfect harmony. The sun breaks through the leaves above to shine down on you... But something feels wrong. Something is watching you, something omniscient. The feeling that you may not be alone grows ever-stronger. The gentle breeze has become a harsh wind. You can't tell the trees apart from a figure in the distance. What are those sounds? Wait, that gramophone wasn't there before... Oh God... It's coming...
From FYRE Games, the developers of the hit narrative game Summerland, comes The Colossus Is Coming: an experimental and abstract narrative experience to go in tandem with the album of the same name by Auric Echoes. You take control of an unnamed protagonist as you uncover the story of a mysterious colossus through a series of cassette tapes. This 15 - 20 minute experience is sure to fill you with a sense of unease and dread.
Beautiful and atmospheric visuals, making full use of the Unity HDRP
An eerie and mysterious story
Haunting sound design, including pieces of music and samples from the Auric Echoes album