How do you fit an elephant into a refrigerator? Now of course, by chopping him up, then slowly fitting the pieces in one by one, right? No no no! First off, sick. Second, all you have to do is open the door and shove him in! What does this have to do with Stupid to live? EVERYTHING. Stupid to live is a free puzzle game that uses your own intuition against you. You over complicate things, try to find the answers when they’re right in front of you. Looking around the room for the cube that’s in your hands. The answer to every puzzle isn’t obvious because it’s so obvious, that you think it’s not the answer because no answer can be that obvious. Obviously. Stupid to live has 11 unique levels, and a ton of different mechanics, So the game never gets tiring, even after you’ve been stuck on the same puzzle for over an hour. the whole game is wrapped up with a humorous story, hand drawn pixel art, and a custom soundtrack. the only piece that's missing is you. the player.