America's Army Awarded Five Guinness World Records

America's Army Awarded Five Guinness World Records

The U.S. Army today announced that its America's Army PC game, which lets players explore Soldiering in the U.S. Army, has been recognized with five records in the upcoming Guinness World Records 2009: Gamer's Edition.

The America's Army PC game received awards in the following categories:

• Largest Virtual Army
In January 2007, America's Army recruited its 8 millionth registered user; at the same time, the actual U.S. Army comprised just 519,472 Soldiers. This makes the virtual America's Army 15 times larger than the real thing! Today the game has over 9.7 million registered users.

• Most Downloaded War Video Game
According to official estimates, America's Army, in all its various iterations, has been downloaded 42,611,601 times. It is also the most downloaded game from, itself one of the most popular gaming download sites on the internet. The most recent version of the game was downloaded almost 2.4 million times between January and July 2008.

• Most Hours Spent Playing a Free Online Shooter
According to the U.S. Army, as of August 2008, gamers have spent 230,918,365 hours playing the PC version of America's Army. Gamers from over 60 countries have played America's Army since it was launched in 2002.

• Earliest Military Website to Support a Video Game
The website is the first military website to support a video game series. America's Army is also the first multiplatform game to receive a government-licensed trademark.

• Largest Travelling Game Simulator
The Virtual Army Experience (VAE) is a highly modified version of America's Army that includes six life-size Humvees surrounded by multiple flat screens, with room for up to 50 participants. Mounted in the vehicles are modified light-gun weapons. The teams inside each vehicle, which shakes in reaction to nearby explosions, are tasked to drive supplies to a beleaguered group of aid workers in dangerous territory. The VAE takes up 1,811 m2 (19,500 square feet).

The U.S Army recently announced the upcoming America's Army 3. America's Army reflects the training, technology, actions and career advancement of a Soldier within a unique exciting game experience. AA3, which will be rated T for Teen by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), will be released in 2009.