At least that's what the new Nvidia trailer for the game would have us believe. Yes, one of the big features of the upcoming Arkham Knight Batman title is that paper and other debris - mostly money, apparently - will swirl around your feet as you fight Gotham's many enemies and thugs, with each punch and kick sending some of it swirling around in pretty patterns that make your ass kicking all the more satisfying.
It's not the only part of the environment that will react naturally to your presence and punches however. Smoke and fog will do the same, with bodies or objects thrown into it, dispersing it in a natural looking fashion.
Perhaps the prettiest effect of the lot though, is the new dynamic rain. It cascades off of Batman's armour, runs in rivulets down his mask and splashes naturally against his cape and skin. It looks very good.
It's perhaps most notable for being an effect that's best showcased outside of combat. While the punches and throws are flying, it's difficult to spot a little bit of water, but when Batman is stood still afterwards, chest heaving, it looks very impressive.