Carmack Working On iPhone 'Graphical Tour De Force'

Carmack Working On iPhone 'Graphical Tour De Force'

Speaking with Forbes, the legendary id Software programmer, John Carmack, expressed his regret for not having an id Software game available at iPhone's launch and promised to release a graphically impressive game for Apple's mobile phone.

"We wanted to do something for the iPhone, but we just didn't have the scheduling or the resources available," Carmack said. "I really regret not having something at launch."

"We have a title we want to develop exclusively for iPhone," he added. "I'm not announcing anything specifically, but it would be a graphical tour de force."

Carmack didn't reveal more details, but Anna Kang, president of id Mobile, said that the promised iPhone game "would not be a new IP"; meaning that it would have roots in id's existing catalog, which includes the Doom, Quake and Wolfenstein franchises.