Major Nelson has revealed that EA is now offering XBox Live members the chance to purchase some premium downloadable Tiger Woods 07 content; the term premium, in this case, is being used to describe cheats.
This latest offering from EA follows the same model of offering premium content for a fee but this time the content offered has caused some controversy as it is unlockable content that gamers can unlock for free, provided they are willing to put in the gaming hours required.
Xbox Live members can now download the following premium in-game content for Tiger Woods PGA Tour '07':
Unlock Golfer:-200 points
Pro Shop - 300 points
Maxed out Player - 200 points
Sunday Tiger- 240 points
Unlock Courses - 200 points
Some XBox Live members have reacted claiming that Microsoft should not allow EA to use Marketplace to charge for such content, adding that premium content is not the appropriate way to describe the sale of cheats. EA has not commented but many players claim that the content is only there for those gamers that are not willing to take the time to unlock the features the free way.
Whether you agree with the claim that EA is simply offering gamers more choice you will still have to admit that it will feel very strange to have to pay for cheat codes...