Thanks to a longstanding peace among many of the galaxy's greatest factions, Eve Online has a new war brewing as old grievances have started to rise to the surface and according to those covering its ongoing universe of player-driven antics, this one could be its biggest yet.
There are many factions in Eve Online, whether you're talking the enormous, Goonswarm Federation and Kids with Guns Alliance, or the comparatively diminutive Bright Side of Death and Sev3rance. But these factions across the galaxy are now banding together into a rough split down the middle and it's leading to the creation of some gargantuan fleets as the two sides face off against one another and poke at their defences.
As Kotaku reports, early skirmishes have already seen some alliances attack major chokepoints and defensive holdouts surrounding a Keepstar held by the Circle of Two Alliance and saw several hundred players attack it at once -- but that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Thousands of ships have been attacking other major points of contention between the two grand alliances and as more ships and players flock to banners on either side of the impending conflict, we could see some of the largest scale battles ever take place in the coming weeks.
The largest battle to take place in this brewing conflict so far saw tens of Titan-class vessels brawling it out with thousands of smaller ships. The sheer scale of the coming wars have the potential to be far greater. Considering the latest one caused problems for the server farm running the game, CCP may need to beef up its hardware if we're to see battles not slow to a complete stop.
Image source: DSM