Haze Won't Be True 720p HD

Haze Won't Be True 720p HD Haze Won't Be True 720p HD Haze Won't Be True 720p HD Haze Won't Be True 720p HD Haze Won't Be True 720p HD Haze Won't Be True 720p HD Haze Won't Be True 720p HD Haze Won't Be True 720p HD Haze Won't Be True 720p HD

In a recent interview, creative lead Derek Littlewood confirmed that instead of being true 720p HD, Haze will render at 576p upscaled to 720p.

"Personally, I don't really buy the whole thing. People did the same with Call of Duty, they did the same with Halo, and they say with those games 'It's not running at true HD!'", said Derek Littlewood. "And it's like, I don't care. If the game looks good and it runs smoothly, those are the important things to me."

For comparison, GTA: IV runs at 630p upscaled to 720p, Halo 3 renders at 640p and Call of Duty 4 renders at 600p.

"As you develop an engine you're aiming for a certain thing, but as all the pieces slot into place, you end up realising what sort of resolution you can run it at and that's where we ended up with for Haze."

"If you were to move forward with our next games, then as we optimise the engine we might be going, 'Oh yeah, we'll step things up and change things.' But then different games we work on might have different requirements, so things may change there again. It's all about how you use the resources you've got. But I don't understand why people care whether there's 20 pixels, 50 pixels, or 100 pixels more."