The latest PSP trend, apart from downgrading your firmware, seems to be to read one of the numerous magazines that have cropped up for the handheld. One of the better looking ones appears to be LOAD which launched its first issue.
There have been a few delays and problems, but the first issue of LOAD is now here. And it's big. Weighing in at 120 pages it's a launch issue that is fairly entertaining and well made and, let's not forget, free.
LOAD reviews the hot game of the month, Burnout Legends, a future favourite in Winning Eleven 9 (Pro Evolution Soccer) and one of the best European launch games, Virtua Tennis, plus several more.
The European launch itself is also given big coverage and GC and TGS aren't left alone either.
Dr. PSP, he carried out research for 3 years to get that title I'll have you know, has compiled a guide for those who want to watch some of their DVD titles on their PSP and there is also a review of the classic Metal Slug.
Bundled with the magazine this month are a couple of tracks from the up and coming back The Colour.
To get a copy of the magazine follow the download tab above.