This has not been the year of The Matrix Online and following a hard time at the hands of critics and gamers alike, developers have now had to reduce the world by two-thirds.
The nine worlds of the MMORPG will be shrunk to a mere three from August 2nd in an attempt to make the game more interesting to players. According to the official game website:
Recently, members of the community have noted that it can be difficult to find other players in The Matrix: Mega City. The current level of population density can limit opportunities for socializing with other players which are such a key part of our worlds.
In order to address the issue the game's creators will: ...be merging the nine current worlds into three new worlds. This merge should help to increase the number of players on any world at any given time. One world will be Hostile while the other two will run under normal PvP rules. Here is the breakdown of which worlds are being joined together:
Enumerator, Heuristic, Input: Hostile World Method, Regression, Iterator: Normal World Proxy, Linenoise, Output: Normal World
Players will get a total of three character slots on each new world. If you have characters on more than one of the merging worlds, they will all be transferred to the applicable new world. If you had fewer than three existing characters, you'll have open slots to create brand new characters.
For a limited period of time after the new worlds come online, players will also have a greater chance of earning XP (experience points) and $Info (in-game currency). The $Info bonus will apply to gang NPCs and the XP bonus will apply to both gangs and missions.
In all the few faithful that will stay in the new Matrix Online worlds may actually get to have a good time.