Microsoft Brags Wii's Japanese Success

Microsoft Brags Wii's Japanese Success Microsoft Brags Wii's Japanese Success Microsoft Brags Wii's Japanese Success

Xbox 360 miserable Japanese sales is a modern gamming axiom, so Microsoft should just keep their mouse shut about that market, right?

But they didn't. When asked about Xbox 360's poor performance in Japan, Microsoft's Corporate VP of Interactive Entertainment, Peter Moore used the question as a leverage to bash Sony. " That's probably a better question for Sony who's getting outsold by what, 6-to-1? You can bet that Sony built a long-term business plan about being successful in Japan and that business plan is crumbling".

Moore went on, " I built a business plan [for Japan], but I don't think my expectations in Japan were anything close to what Sony's expectations are. They are failing. They're missing their plan by much more than I'm missing my plan".

Market analysts estimate that Wii has sold around 2.5 million units in Japan, compared to Playstation 3's 900,000 units and Xbox 360's 400,000 (total sales). Last May, " Wii has outsold PS3 by a 5 to 1 margin and Xbox 360 by a humiliating 25 to 1 margin". Wii had also outsold PS3 6 to 1 during June.