Exent Technologies will be Microsoft's first worldwide aggregation partner for digital distribution. The service is something of a mix between the Steam service from Valve, we have all come to love and the infamous Phantom console which has turned out to be very shy.
Microsoft has granted Exent the right to aggregate and distribute Microsoft PC games, including titles from the popular Age of Empires, Age of Mythology, Dungeon Siege, Mechwarrior, Rise of Nations and Zoo Tycoon product lines, making some of the most popular game properties available worldwide for the first time over broadband through Exent's network of Games-on-Demand service providers.
Exent-powered Games-on-Demand services enable gamers to quickly obtain full-version games without the need to fully download them to their machines. The EXEtender technology solution helps players to enjoy a console-like gaming experience on the PC platform.