A new trailer for the upcoming next-gen title, Mad Max, set for release sometime in early 2014, has been released. It looks like familiar turf for anyone that's played one of the main post apocalyptic, desert games from the past few years.
So that's anyone that's played: Borderlands 2, Fallout 3, Rage or a host of other games. Yup, get ready for more brown and grey.
It's odd then, with this familiar looking game, that a lot of the games listed above actually look better than this one does. The combat looks hammy and unrealistic - that hugely choreographed headbut being the worst culprit - the environments look dull and not even Gears of War dull, but like someone has literally just dropped the saturation down 90%.
What's so odd about this, is this is a game set for release on the Xbox One and PS4, as well as current gen systems. We were told that the next-generation would be much more colourful and would be able to give us more than just the brown and grey we've seen in a lot of Unreal Engine games this gen.
The dialogue is pretty bad too, but this is coming from Avalanche. These guys make great open worlds - Just Cause 2, The Hunter - but they aren't well known for their skills with dialogue or cut scenes.
But that's enough of me telling you what to think about it. Have a look at the video below and let us know what you think.