SEGA's AM2 is busy working on the sequel to the classic arcade game, Outrun. Outrun 2 will be released on Chihiro arcade hardware, which is, more or less, a glorified coin hungry XBox. Since the arcade version is expected to launch in the end of this year we should expect an XBox version some time after that.
The game now features an official Ferrari license and will include a variety of models from the prestigious Italian company, including the option to customize your car. All changes made will have the relevant effect in the car's performance.
Although, technologically, very different to the 1986 Outrun, Outrun 2 will still focus on the same principles. Much effort will be placed on creating stunning scenery to drive through while the choice of girl by your side will also be important. Each lady will have a preferred style of driving, one which you will have to adopt since much of the game will focus on keeping your woman happy.
Since not much else is known yet enjoy the images from the game by following the screens tab above.