Painkiller Leak Just a Demo

Painkiller Leak Just a Demo

A recently released leaked version of Dreamcatcher's Painkiller, advertised as an pre-alpha, should be avoided, according to developers since it is by far inferior to the demo which will be released in February.

The first week of the year has seen leaked versions of games popping up all over the web, with versions of STALKER, World of Warcraft and Painkiller now available over IRC and P2P networks.

While the Painkiller release was considered to be a pretty recent version of the game, with information pointing to November of 2003 as its date of origin, Dreamcatcher, the game's publisher, is downplaying the significance of the leak claiming it is an early press build, created purely for demonstration purposes.

Painkiller, advertised as a First Person High Adrenaline Shooter, is expected in Q2 of 2004 for the PC and XBox and while the leak contains 3 single-player and 2 multi-player maps, Dreamcatcher insist that it is an inferior version of the game, lacking the depth, choice of weapons and levels as well as the AI sophistication which will make-up Painkiller the game.

If that is so and considering the positive comments from the people who have managed to try the playable parts of the leak, then this incident can only raise our anticipation for the finished product, even further.

Follow the Download tab above for further information on Painkiller.