Peter Molyneux Lists Fable II Flaws

Peter Molyneux Lists Fable II Flaws Peter Molyneux Lists Fable II Flaws Peter Molyneux Lists Fable II Flaws Peter Molyneux Lists Fable II Flaws

We are accustomed to Peter Molyneux hyping his games prerelease then criticizing them later on but this time around, the honest game designer laid out Fable II's flaws before the game ships.

"There are low spots in the game and it's no one's fault that these low spots are there, it's just that there's a lot to this game," he explained. "You've got to remember that we're not building a corridor game here where you can say 'right, in one hour fifteen minutes, someone's going see that light and we're going make that light like this."

"I think the lip-sync is pretty bad, you know, the quality of the animation falls off, you know, quite a lot, I think the navigation can be a bit dodgy sometimes, I think the dog can get a bit fractured sometimes", Molyneux listed Fable II's shortcomings. "But those are sideline issues, you're not going to care about those, they're technical issues, and I wish we'd had time to polish every single tiny second of the game."

Despite those flows, Peter Molyneux went on to say that he is "very proud" of Fable II and that he didn't repeat any of the original Fable's mistakes. "I'd rate it a 9 out of 10", he concluded.