Several reputable gaming and news websites reported that Take Two has announced a new downloadable content exclusive to Xbox 360 GTA 4 in 2009. Like everybody else, those reports reached us at MegaGames, but we decided not to publish it because we couldn't verify it.
Moments ago, Rockstar confirmed that they didn't make such an announcement.
It seems that the aforementioned rumor emerged from reporters misunderstanding Take-Two's fourth quarter results. While announcing those results, Take-Two executives noted that exclusive GTA IV episodic content would be making its way to Xbox 360 in fiscal year 2009. Several reporters interpreted this as a brand new announcement.
The truth is that the content in question is merely the second of the two previously announced pieces of episodic content making their way to Xbox 360. Both episodic contents have been originally scheduled for release in 2008, but the game's delay pushed the 2nd one to 2009.